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Climbing Media Reviewed
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Fiction    Push For The Summit

* VD  - 
(No Review) BK  - 
*** BK Australian Blood On The Lotus - Novel about a climber, Tibet, CIA, and a few twists...
** BK Australian Bright Air - Mystery/Thriller
*** VD Cliff Hanger - (Action, R) Sly Stallone and his bolt gun run amuck.
**** BK Freedom Climbers - 2011 Boardman Tasker prize-winning modern history of Polish Alpinism / Himalayan climbing
***** VD HEIMAT FILMS - Films produced in the 1920s & 30's
** VD Into Thin Air: Death on Everest - (Drama, PG) Made for TV movie of the Jon Krakauer book by the same title.
**** VD K2 - (Thriller) Two climbers join an ascent on K2
** DV Scream of Stone - In this battle, there can be no winners...
* BK Spurred Ambition - rockclimbing romance (?)
**** DV Storm and Sorrow - base on Robert Craig's book about the American team's expedition to the Pamirs in the early 70s
***** BK The Ascent of Rum Doodle - A classic that every climber should read.
**** VD The Eiger Sanction - (Action, R) Clint Eastwood plays James Bond on the Eiger in the Swiss Alps
**** VD The Mountain - (Drama) Exciting mountaineering action tops this morality play about two brothers in a poor Alpine village and their vastly different reactions to the crash of a luxury airliner on a nearby peak.
**** BK Australian The Rope Dancer - A tale of mountaineering gone wrong, injury and recovery, and the search for meaning through living dangerously.
(No Review) BK The Secret of Wheeler Point - Authentic young adult rock climbing mystery novel
**** BK Australian The Universe Within - Climbing adventure mystery science philosophy - all rolled together. Author is an Australian climber so draws heavily on Arapiles and other crags.
**** VD The White Tower - From the novel by James Ramsey Ullman
** VD Vertical Limit - (Action, PG) K2 & Nitroglycerin don't mix.

Narratives    Push For The Summit

***** BK 17 Down Under - A celebration of moderate grade climbs
(No Review) BK A Fine Kind of Madness - Mountain Adventures Tall & True
(No Review) BK A Life on the Edge - Memoirs of Everest & Beyond
**** BK Above the Clouds - The Diaries of a High-Altitude Mountaineer
(No Review) BK Against The Wall - Simon Yates, mountaineering on the hardest routes.
***** BK All Fourteen 8,000ers - The first man to stand on all 14 of the world's 8000-meter peaks
**** BK Annapurna - First Conquest of an 8000-Meter Peak
***** BK Annapurna: A Woman's Place - The 1978 all-woman ascent of Annapurna I
(No Review) BK Ascent: The Climbing Experience in Word & Image - Climbing writing, photography, & art. 16 pages of color photos.
***** BK Beckoning Silence, The - An assault on the North Face of the Eiger and thoughts on the dark side of mountaineering.
(No Review) BK Below Another Sky - A mountain adventure in search of a lost father.
(No Review) BK Best of Rock & Ice, The - Anthology of 25 essays from Rock & Ice Magazine
(No Review) BK Beyond Risk: Conversations with Climbers - In-depth interviews with 17 of the most influential mountaineers
**** BK Big Walls: Breakthroughs on the Free-Climbing Frontier - Paul Piana's account of his & Todd Skinner's Big Wall climbs. Inc 93 color photos.
(No Review) BK Blind Corners - What is it like to have reached the tallest summits on the globe?
***** BK Boardman Tasker Omnibus, The - Savage Arena, the Shining Mountain, Sacred Summits, Everest the Cruel Way
(No Review) BK Boundless Horizons - Chris Bonington's autobiography, combines volumes: I Chose To Climb; The Next Horizon; The Everest Years
***** BK Camp 4: Recollections Of A Yosemite Rockclimber - Yosemite's Camp 4 in the 1960s, back in the day of Harding, Powell, Robbins, Pratt, Chouinard
(No Review) BK Climb - Stories of survival from rock, snow & ice
(No Review) BK Climb! The 25th Anniversary Edition - Colorado climbing history, plus 200 B&W photos, 16 pages color photos.
**** BK Climb, The: Tragic Ambitions on Everest - 1996 Everest Tragedy
(No Review) BK Climber's Choice - The Best Climbing Writers Present Their Best Work
**** BK Climbing Free - My Life in the Vertical World. Lynn Hill Autobiography.
**** BK Close Calls: Climbing Mishaps and near death experiences - Recounts 68 true tales of climbers who let their guard down and lived to tell about it.
***** BK Conquistadors of the Useless - From the Alps to Annapurna
***** BK Dark Shadows Falling - Joe Simpson wonders if the essence of the sport has been completely lost.
***** BK Deep Play - A Climber's Odyssey from Llanberis to the Big Walls
(No Review) BK Defying Gravity: High Adventure on Yosemite's Walls - Describes early developments in Yosemite climbing
***** BK Eiger Dreams - Ventures Among Men and Mountains
(No Review) BK Eiger: The Vertical Arena - History & myth. Explores what the Eiger means to climbers.
(No Review) BK Eiger: Wall of Death - Interesting history on that great alpine wall
***** BK El Capitan: Historic Feats & Radical Routes - Traces El Capitan's unique big wall history. 36 duotone photos.
(No Review) BK EMOTIONAL LANDSCAPES - 168 pages, format 18 x 13cm, colored pictures on all pages, Cover in Velour (woven fabric) to fold out with big panorama, ISBN 3-9502104-0-7
**** BK Epic - Stories Of Survival From World's Highest Peaks
(No Review) BK Eric Shipton: Everest & Beyond - Biography of Eric Shipton explorer & mountaineering legend
***** BK Everest: Eighty Years of Triumph & Tragedy - Featuring major ascents & first-person perspectives. 130 color photos, 50 b/w photos .
**** BK Everest: Mountain Without Mercy - Story of film-maker David Breashears' Imax photographic expedition to Everest in 96. Inc 125 color photos.
***** BK Everest: The West Ridge - In 1963 Thomas Hornbein, and his partner Willi Unsoeld committed themselves to world's tallest peak
**** BK Australian Expeditions - Get inside the skull of Andrew Lindblade
**** BK Facing Up - 23 year old Briton reaches Everest summit
** BK Fatal Mountaineer - Life story of Willi Unsoeld, American Himalayan climber
***** BK Fifty Favorite Climbs: The Ultimate North American Tick List - Fifty of the most accomplished climbers reveal their all-time favorite climbs
**** BK Flame of Adventure, The - Yates shares his perspective on climbing styles, personal experiences & cultures encountered in his travels.
**** BK Fragile Edge: A Personal Portrait of Loss on Everest - A deeply personal love story & a penetrating look into the world of professional climbers
**** BK Games Climbers Play, The - Large climbing anthology. Draws material from climbing periodicals.
**** BK Ghosts of Everest: The Search for Mallory & Irvine - What they found with George Mallory's body. Did they make it? And if they did, what happened to them?
(No Review) BK Hazard's Way - Well researched historical novel centering on the UK's Lake District climbing scene 100 years ago.
***** BK High - Stories of Survival from Everest and K2.
(No Review) BK High Adventure - The 50th Anniversary of the Historic Climb
(No Review) BK High Exposure - An Enduring Passion for Everest and Unforgiving Places
**** BK In High Places - Autobiography of Dougal Haston's climbing life
*** BK Into Thin Air - A Personal Account of the 1996 Mount Everest Disaster
***** BK John Gill: Master of Rock - Shows bouldering like it is: raw, pure, all-encompassing. Includes 160 B&W Photos.
(No Review) BK Kilimanjaro: To the Roof of Africa - Journey of five trekkers and a guide to the top of Kilimanjaro in Tanzania
*** BK Kiss or Kill - Confessions of a Serial Climber - A collection of short articles Twight has had printed in a variety of publications, which have comments from the author following each.
*** BK Kurt Diemberger Omnibus, The - Includes Summits and Secrets: The Endless Knot: Spirits of the Air
(No Review) BK Landmarks: An Exploration of Great Rocks - Rock climbing, rock art, rock environment, around the world
***** BK Last Step, The: The American Ascent of K2 - Account of the 1978 climb of K2 via the west ridge.
(No Review) BK Leading Out - Mountaineering Stories of Adventurous Women
* BK Left For Dead - Beck Weather's extraordinary story about his survival from the 1996 Mt Everest tragedy
(No Review) BK Mirrors in the Cliffs - Follow up to the anthology Games Climbers Play
**** BK Mixed Emotions - Mountaineering writings of Greg Child - Selected writings of Greg Child
(No Review) BK Mountains of the Great Blue Dream - Collection of essays recounts many mountaineering adventures.
***** BK Nanga Parbat Pilgrimage: The Lonely Challenge - Story of Herman Buhl's training and earlier climbs that lead up to his solo FA of Nanga Parbat
***** BK Native Stones: A Book about Climbing - autobiographical account of British rockclimbing
(No Review) BK On Belay! - The Life of Legendary Mountaineer Paul Petzoldt
(No Review) BK One Man's Mountains - An anthology of Tom Patey's writings. Ranges from accounts of climbing in Scotland, to expedition climbing, to satire and verse.
*** BK Australian One Step Beyond - Bushwalker and climber, Warren meets with tradedgy.
**** BK Over the Edge - Climbers Kidnap and Escape into the Mountains of Central Asia
(No Review) BK Postcards from the Ledge - Collected Mountaineering Wrtings of Greg Child
*** BK Regions of the Heart - The Triumph and Tragedy of Alison Hargreaves
(No Review) BK Royal Robbins: Spirit of the Age - Robbins's life and achievements, mainly focused on his years in Yosemite.
***** BK Australian Sheer Will - The Awe Inspiring Climbs of Mike Groom. Includes 73 colour photos.
(No Review) BK Sherman Exposed - Slightly Censored Climbing Stories
**** BK Starlight and Storm - From the 1920s to the 1950s, the race for first ascents in the Alps and Dolomites
*** BK Stone Crusade - A Historical Guide to Bouldering in America
(No Review) BK Stone Palaces - A collection of stories, most are about climbing & the people who do it.
(No Review) BK Stories Off the Wall - Roskelley recounts his climbing career from 1965 through 1992 including his 20 Himalayan expeditions
***** VD The North Face/ Nanga Parbat - Comparing two German films about historically significant climbing events
**** BK The Second Death of George Mallory - The Enigma and Spirit of Mt Everest
**** VD The Spray - Climbing road trip in Northern California
(No Review) BK Thin Air - Encounters in the Himalayas
***** BK This Game of Ghosts - Climber Joe Simpson reveals a lifetime of flirtation with danger
**** BK Australian Totem Pole, The - Devestating accident while climbing Tasmania's famous sea stack.
*** BK Touching My Father's Soul - A Sherpa's Journey to the Top of Everest by the climbing leader for the IMAX 96 team
***** BK Touching the Void - The Harrowing First Person Account Of One Man's Miraculous Survival
***** BK Vertical World of Yosemite, The - Yosemite climbs described by the climbers who made the first ascents
*** BK View from the Summit - The life story of Sir Edmund Hillary. Autobiography
***** BK Where The Mountain Casts Its Shadow. - The Personal Costs of Climbing. Winner of Mountain Literature Award at 2003 Banff Mountain Book Festival.
**** BK Australian White Limbo - The First Australian Climb of Mt Everest
***** BK White Spider, The - The Classic Account of the Ascent of the Eiger
***** BK Wildest Dream, The - The Biography of George Mallory
** BK Australian Wind in My Hair, The - The story of Brigitte Muir, first Australian women to climb the Seven Summits
*** BK Within Reach: My Everest Story - Pfetzer, 18 at the time of publication, describes his summits of a number of peaks worthy of a climber twice his age

Non-Fiction    Push For The Summit

***** DV 14 Peaks: Nothing is Impossible - World Record ascent of all 14 8000ers in 6 months by Nepalese mountaineers
(No Review) VD A Climber's Story - (Doco) A story about the unlimited potential within each of us.
*** DV A Colorado Daydream - This Film profiles the balancing act of 'real life' vs. climbing. Filmed in some of the best scenery the Rocky Mountains have to offer, and featuring problems that are both aesthetic and difficult.
**** VD A Day In The Life - (Doco) The life of 5 women climbers
*** VD A Film By Some Climbers - (Doco) Low budget, UK home video, jam packed with hard gritstone headpointing.
**** BK A Life in the Vertical - A biography of Wolfgang Gullich
*** VD Australian A Summer in the Southern Alps - Vaughan and the RMIT crew take on various peaks in NZ.
(No Review) VD Above All Else - Everest Dream - (Doco) A successful bid for the summit in 1997
(No Review) VD Above The Smogline - (Doco) LA's coolest locals climbing Southern California's finest boulder problems
(No Review) VD Aconcagua - The Roof of the Americas - (Doco) Follows 2 guides as they lead a group up Aconcagua
***** DV Action Direct - Dai Koyamada's 2005 redpoint of Action Direct (9a) in Germany's Frankenjura
***** BK Australian Alone Across Australia - One mans trek across a continent.
***** BK Australian Arapiles - a million mountains - Full colour coffee table book; not a climbing book: it’s a book about a great climbing area.
(No Review) VD Ascent On G2 - (Doco) Christine Boskoff & her team as they climb Gasherbrum II in Pakistan
(No Review) VD Australian Australia’s Best Boulderers - (Doco) ASCF Australian Bouldering Nationals 2001
**** VD Autana - A first ascent on Autana in the Venezeulan Amazon
**** DV Autoroute - Americans climbing in Europe
***** VD Australian Base Climb - (Doco) Two Australians team up to climb and base jump from the Great Trango Tower in Pakistan
* VD Australian Base Climb 2: Defying Gravity - (Doco) Husband and wife climb and base jump the highest cliff in the world
(No Review) VD Behind The Front - (Doco) Bouldering in Colorado's Front Range
***** VD Best Forgotten Art - (Doco) A voyage of crack climbing discovery.
*** VD Best of Horsetooth Bouldering, The - (Doco) Best boulder problems at Horestooth Reservoir in Colorado
*** DV Best of the West - Bouldering
**** BK Between a Rock and A Hard Place - A recounting of a harrowing epic and dramatic escape.
*** VD Between The Rain - (Doco) Bouldering, deepwater soloing, onsight climbing, gritstone ground-up climbing, cragging, soloing, and big wall free climbing
(No Review) VD Beyond Gravity - (Doco) Many of North America's top climbers on rock, ice, aid, alpine.
**** DV Big Game - Bouldering NZ
*** VD Big Issue, The - (Doco) Profile of one of the world's most successful and controversial climbers, John Dunne.
(No Review) VD Big Stone - (Doco) Trad climbing in Yosemite Valley and Zion Canyon
***** VD Big Up: Bouldering in the Gunks - (Doco) Birth of the East Coast bouldering revolution
(No Review) VD Bishop - (Doco) Volume Two of the Climb On series.
***** VD Black Lung - (Doco) Ben Moon and Jerry Moffatt's visit to Utah Bouldering
*** VD Bleau - (Doco) French bouldering in the forests of the Fontainebleau. Subtitles.
**** DV Blood, Sweat & Bagels - Personal journey of two British climbers attempting to free climb The Salathe Wall
(No Review) VD Boulder - (Doco) Hard bouldering
***** VD B-Sides, The - (Doco) - One year of climbing across the nation.
**** VD Buoux 8c - The youth of England show the french how it's done...
*** DV Centre of the Universe - Yosemite
(No Review) DV Cho Oyu, West of Everest - (Doco) Follow this team of climbers on Cho Oyu, the sixth highest mountain.
***** DV Classic Red - Select climbs of the Red River Gorge, Kentucky USA
***** BK Classic Rock - Climbing in the UK with large format photography. A best seller.
** VD Climb - (Doco) America's top rock climbers in Hueco Tanks, The Diamond, Tennesse Wall, etc.
*** VD Climb International - (Doco) Climbing in Southeast Asia from China to Thailand
***** VD Climb, The - The story of Hermann Buhl's climb of Nanga Parbat
(No Review) BK Climbing Glass - Climbing stories and articles by Lyle Closs
***** BK Climbing High - A womans account of surviving the '96 Everest tragedy.
(No Review) VD Climbing In Yosemete - Behind The Scene - (Doco) Some of the park’s most daunting big wall climbs
**** VD Australian Coming At Ya Hyper - (Doco) Australian Sport Climbing
**** DV Committed - 
***** DV Committed 2 - Blighty
***** VD Contact - (Doco) Bouldering at New Zealand's Castle Hill
* VD Australian Crux, The - Australia's Hottest Rockclimbing
(No Review) VD Cutting Loose - (Doco) Bouldering Dumbarton rock in Glasgow.
**** VD Dartmoor Bouldering 365 - (Doco) Films of bouldering on Dartmoor
*** DV Depth charge - Deep water soloing in Croatia
**** DV Dosage (Volume 1) - (Doco) High-end sport climbing & bouldering
**** DV Dosage (Volume 2) - (Doco) Hard boulders and deep water soloing
***** DV Dosage IV - 
***** DV Dosage V - 
***** DV Dosage Vol 3 - 
***** DV E11 - Rhapsody
***** DV Echo Wall - Glen and Ben Nevis
***** VD Edge, The - (Doco) Scottish mountaineering, as shown on the BBC.
**** VD Eiger Solo - (Doco) 1st British solo ascent of the Eiger North Face. Winner of Best Mountaineering Film award.
***** BK Enduring Patagonia - Alpinist adventure, epics, fear, and freedom in Patagonia.
**** VD Australian Eos - (Doco) Four of Australia's best young climbers sport climbing and bouldering in New Zealand
***** VD Australian Eos 2: Dreamtime - (Doco) Bouldering some of the hardest routes in Australia
**** VD Equilibrium - (Doco) Preparation and ascent of Equilibrium, the ultimate gritstone route.
**** DV Everest (IMAX) - (Doco) Follows the IMAX team's ascent of Everest in 96
(No Review) DV Everest / Himalaya - (Doco) The history and mystery of Mt. Everest
(No Review) VD Everest 10 on Top - (Doco) 1991 Expedition from the Tibetan north side managed to place 10 climbers on the summit.
(No Review) VD Everest North Wall - (Doco) American China 1982 Expedition as 16 men and one woman attempt an unclimbed north face route.
(No Review) VD Australian Everest Sea to Summit - (Doco) One man's quest to climb Everest from sea level
(No Review) VD Australian Everest The Australian Challenge - (Doco) The first Australian Mount Everest Expedition to put up a new route
**** VD Everest Unmasked - (Doco) First Ascent of Everest without supplemental oxygen
(No Review) VD Everest: Climb for Hope - (Doco) Canadian team's journey up Mount Everest's rarely attempted North Col
(No Review) VD Everest: Summit of Dreams - (Doco) Attempt of the American North Ridge Expedition to summit Mount Everest from the North Side during the Spring of 1994.
(No Review) VD Everest: The Death Zone - (Doco) Takes you from Base camp to Summit
(No Review) VD Everest: The Fatal Climb - (Doco) One man's obsession to climb Everest which ultimately cost him his life
(No Review) VD Everest: The Mountain at the Millennium - (Doco) Pete Athans as he returns to Everest for his thirteenth expedition
(No Review) VD Everest: The Mystery of Mallory and Irvine - (Doco) Did George Mallory reach the top of Mt. Everest in 1924?
(No Review) VD Everest: The Quest - (Doco) Account of the early history of exploration on Everest
(No Review) VD Evolution Revolution - (Doco) Climbing in Austria, Germany.
**** VD Face, The - (Doco) Climbs in six of the world's most spectacular mountain locations. As shown on the BBC.
**** VD Fast Twitch - (Doco) Western USA bouldering and sport climbing film, featuring Chris Sharma on Just Do It.
(No Review) VD Festival of Climbing 2001 - (Doco) UK Competition climbing and bouldering
***** DV First Ascent - The latest and greatest release from Sender Films.
***** VD First Ascent - The latest and greatest release from Sender Films.
** BK Australian First Ascent: The Life and Climbs of Greg Mortimer - Biography of Australian Mountaineer
***** VD Free Climbing - The Nose - (Doco) Lynn Hill climbs The Nose of El Cap all free in a day.
*** VD Free Hueco! - (Doco) Boulderers. Terrifying topouts and gut wrenching falls.
***** VD Frequent Flyers - (Doco) The best bouldering around the world
**** DV Frequent Flyers (Inc. Black Lung) - (Doco) Around the world tickets, minimal luggage, a crash pad climbing shoes and chalk
*** DV Friction Addiction Black Hills Gold - (Doco) Brings you an amazing summer of daring runouts and highball first ascents from the sharp end of South Dakota's Black Hills
**** VD Friction: A Joshua Tree Bouldering Tour - (Doco) A collection of 39 boulder problems
**** DV Front Range Freaks - (Doco) A varied film following some of Colorados top climbers.
(No Review) VD Great Trango Tower - (Doco) First ascent of the northwest face of the Great Trango-Tower
***** VD Hard Grit - (Doco) British climbing the gritstone edges of the Pennines
***** VD Australian Hard Way To The Top, The - (Doco) Mt Buffalo granite aid climbs, Ozymandias and Lord Gum Tree
**** DV Hard XS - The sequel to 'Hard Grit'
**** VD Australian Harder Than Everest - (Doco) Aussies and Americans tag the 2nd ascent of Gasherbrum IV
**** VD High Life, The - (Doco) Showcase of high, difficult bouldering.
(No Review) VD Hoods n the Woods - (Doco) Climbers at Hueco and the Front Range of Colorado
**** VD http.bloc - (Doco) Hardcore Anglo-French bouldering video. Fontainebleau and the Peak District.
(No Review) DV In the Shadow of the Chief - Historical Climbing Documentary - The 1961 First Ascent of the Squamish Chief
** VD Inertia - (Doco) See Chris Sharma, Joe Brooks, Dave Struthers, etc cranking hard
**** VD Inertia 2: Focus - (Doco) The best climbers & hardest routes in the world
***** DV INSTANTE - Instante is a new concept in mountain films. The perfect mix between documentary and fiction in one work, on one theme that speaks to us all: The act of playing
(No Review) DV Into the Thin Air of Everest - Mountain of Dreams, Mountain of Doom - (Doco) History and mystery of Mt. Everest
(No Review) VD Joshua Tree - (Doco) Volume One of the Climb On Series.
(No Review) DV Karma - A Nepali Bouldering Adventure - The Khumbu Region of Nepal, home of the world's biggest mountains and the backdrop of mountain climbers dreams, is the stage for a whole new generation of visionaries. American and Nepali climbers joined forces to boulder here. Witness the magic.<
**** DV King Lines - aka The Sharma Show
(No Review) VD Know Limits - (Doco) Rock & ice climbing, but also surfing & skiing
(No Review) VD Koh Tao, Adventure Climbing in Thailand - Sport climbing, deep water soloing and bouldering
(No Review) VD La Escoba De Dios - (Doco) Scale the east face of Cerro Cathedral, Patagonia.
(No Review) VD Las Vegas - (Doco) Volume Three of the Climb On series.
(No Review) VD Living For The Weekend - (Doco) A stroll up the Ben, dodgy mixed ice routes in Cairngorms, an Alps trip and climbing in Colorado
(No Review) VD Los Angeles - (Doco) Volume Four of the Climb On series.
*** VD Australian Low Gravity - B grade 90's Australian Climbing Video
(No Review) VD Madagascar - A Womans First Ascent - (Doco) An all-star team of women climbers challenges the big walls of Madagascar
**** VD Masters Of Stone - (Doco) Climbing in Smith Rock, Yosemite Valley, American Fork, Tuolumne Meadows
*** VD Masters Of Stone 2 - Hard Rock - (Doco) Hard climbing in Yosemite, The Needles, Mt. Charleston, Joshua Tree, Rifle, Lake Tahoe, and Baja, Mexico
**** VD Masters Of Stone 3 - Third Stone From The Sun - (Doco) 5.14c redpoints in France, boulder at Hueco Tanks and Yosemite
*** VD Masters of Stone 4 - Pure Force - (Doco) Climbing & BASE jumping in Yosemite, California, Spain, etc.
**** VD Masters Of Stone 5 - (Doco) Speed-Soloing, High-Ball Bouldering, Female Freesoloing, Blind Crack Climbing, Slacklining, Rope Freefalling
***** DV Meru - The first ascent of the Sharks Fin, Meru Central, India
(No Review) BK Mountain Photography - Bradford Washburn's 100 large-format mountain photographs
(No Review) VD Moving Over Stone - (Doco) Learn the basic moves, then take a climbing trip
(No Review) VD Moving Over Stone 2 - (Doco) American sporting climbering stars cranking hard
(No Review) VD MX - (Doco) Leashless mixed ice climbing. Hard first ascents leashless throughout colorado.
(No Review) VD Naskarma - (Doco) A climbing journey in the southeast US
(No Review) DV 'No Permanent Address' - First ascent of a 23-pitch free climb on a granite wall in remote British Columbia after prep climbs around North America.
**** VD One Summer - (Doco) Ben Moon Bouldering in the UK's Peak District
**** VD Painted Spider - (Doco) Rock climbing in the 90s. Long free routes, sport climbing, competetion climbing, bouldering, soloing.
**** DV Pilgrimage - (Doco) A bouldering pilgrimage to the sacred village of Hampi, in the south of India
**** DV Pitch Sorbet - (Doco) Short film on Ice Climbing from Petzl Charlet Moser
***** VD Professionals, The - (Doco) Francois Legrand and Yuji Hirayama on the hardest US routes
*** BK Punk in the Gym - Andy Pollitt's Biography
***** VD Rampage - (Doco) Follow Sharma, Carrion and friends on an outrageous two month bouldering spree .
**** VD Real Thing, The - (Doco) Bouldering with Ben Moon and Jerry Moffatt in England and Fontainebleau
**** DV Red River Ruckus - Sport climbing in Red River Gorge, Kentucky, USA
***** DV Return 2 Sender - Climbing, slacklining, base-jumping, big wall flick
***** BK Revelations - Autobiiography of Jerry Moffat
(No Review) DV Rock Climbing Adventures Volume I - (Doco) Big Bradley, NC, Hueco Tanks, TX, Looking Glass, NC, Reimer's Ranch, TX
***** BK Australian Rock Climbing In Australia - Stunning coffee table book of photographs
*** BK Rock Prints - A collection of rock climbing photographs
*** VD Rock: The Soul of the Climbing Experience - (Doco) Rock & Ice climbing and bouldering in America, Italy, France, Germany and Slovakia
***** BK Rocks Around the world - Stefan Glowacz - world tour with photographer in tow
***** DV Salathe - Blood Sweat And Bagels - (Doco) Free Climbing The Salathe Wall on El Capital, Yosemite.
(No Review) VD Sauvage - (Doco) French rock climbing film. Boulders at Font to sports climbs at many limestone crags.
(No Review) VD Scary Faces - (Doco) Attempt of the long, bold face of Jules Verne - the Eldorado testpiece
*** VD Shut Up And Climb - (Doco) Bouldering in Southern California, Ibex, Joe's Valley, Hueco Tanks, and Fontainebleau
***** VD Solo - (Doco) Shows what climbing was like in the old days.
**** VD Solutions - (Doco) Bouldering in Northern Colorado
(No Review) VD Soul - (Doco) Bouldering in the Southeast
* DV Soul Cal: A Cali Bouldering Road Trip - 
**** DV Southern Faces - All you need to know about rock climbing in the South Island of NZ. Featuring quality climbing footage, quirky animations, loads of local knowledge and a kick-ass kiwi soundtrack.
**** VD Southern Slopers - (Doco) Top boulderers in northern Alabama
**** DV Splinter - A (very) short film focusing on the famous home training board of Malcolm Smith
**** DV Splitter - An Apline Rockumentary. Shipton Spire, Lotus Flower Tower, Cerro Poincenot.
**** DV Stick It - (Doco) Shows the UK bouldering scene.
**** VD Stone Love - (Doco) Five of Britain's strongest bouldering in Switzerland
***** VD Stone Monkey - The original cult-classic featuring 'The Leaping Boy' Johnny Dawes and some of his gritstone and slate scarefests
**** BK Summit 8000 - A thrilling memoir of the spectacular high - altitude mountaineering achievements of Andrew Lock: the only Australian to have summited all fourteen 8000 - metre peaks in the world, including Mount Everest - twice.
(No Review) DV The Dark Glow of the Mountains aka Gasherbrum - Der leuchtende Berg - Werner Herzog film about Messner and Kammerlander's traverse of Gasherbrum I & II in 1984
(No Review) DV The Life - A detailed look at the lives of some of America's best climbers. Shot by the climbers themselves over the course of 5 years, this is a unique opportunity to witness their climbing wizardry and wild lifestyle from their point of view.
**** DV The Locals - Bouldering Across Europe
**** DV The Long Hope - First Free Ascent Documentary
***** DV The Road - (Doco) From the makers of Frequent Flyers comes a whole new trip showcasing some of the new, old and just discovered areas that are shaping bouldering today. bishop, triassic, hueco, soill, and new england gunks
***** BK The Will To Climb - Everest the boy who dared
(No Review) VD Three Flags Over Everest - (Doco) Covers the record breaking expedition of the 1990 Mt. Everest International Peace Climb. Narrated by Robert Redford.
(No Review) VD Three Weeks And A Day - (Doco) An Epic Climbing Film
(No Review) VD Tool 'Em All - The Ultimate Dry Tooling Experience - (Doco) World's hardest and most famous mixed routes, plus ice climbing competition footage.
(No Review) DV Torn - Life, death and recovery of Alex Lowe and his family
***** DV Touching the Void - The movie of the popular book by Joe Simpson.
(No Review) VD Tour De Blocs - (Doco) Fontainebleau with the local French boulderers
(No Review) VD Trailside: Rock Climbing in California - (Doco) Short video on climbing at Joshua Tree
***** BK Two Shadows - The inspirational story of one mans triumph over adversity - This captivating autobiography reveals the remarkable story behind a man known for his passion for mountain climbing, his irrepressible and often unique sense of humor, and his fascinating tales of adventure and mis-adventure.
*** VD Uncommon Ground - (Doco) Trad, sport and bouldering in the northeastern United States.
** VD Under the Sky, Above the Sea - (Doco) Deep Water Soloing on Britain's South Coast
***** DV Vertical Frontier - A history of the Art, Sport, and Philosophy of Rock Climbing in Yosemite.
**** BK Virgin on Insanity - Coming of age on the world's toughest mountains
***** BK Voices From the Summit - The World's Greatest Mountaineers on the Future of Climbing
(No Review) VD West Coast Pimp - (Doco) Boulders in Bishop and other California hot spots.
(No Review) VD Winds Of Everest - (Doco) In 1984 an American China - Everest Expedition returns to the treacherous north face.
(No Review) VD Witness This - (Doco) Bouldering in Boone, North Carolina.
(No Review) BK Australian World Climbing: Images From The Edge - Glossy coffee table book showcasing Simon Carters climbing photos from around the globe.
(No Review) VD Yank On Hits - (Doco) Real climbing footage shot in the ‘90’s
**** DV Yosemite: Ascending Rhythm - (Doco) Climbers in Yosemite
**** BK Younghusband (The Last Great Imperial Adventurer) - Biography of Early Himalayan Explorer

Instructional    Push For The Summit

**** BK Advanced Rock Climbing - How to Rock Climb Series
**** BK Advanced Rockcraft - Informative book covering 'leading' & 'old fashioned hard aid'
(No Review) VD Alpine Mountaineering on Mt. Ranier - (Doco) Physical & mental preparation, equipment essentials, ice axe arrest, rope travel, cramponing, snow camping and managing risk
**** VD Australian Anchoring & Setting Up Top Ropes - (Doco) Instructions for top roping
*** VD Art Of Leading, The - (Doco) Describes strategies for safe and successful multi-pitch rock climbing
(No Review) DV Ascend Denali - (Doco) Comprehensive guide to the most popular route on the mountain, the West Buttress Route.
*** DV Ascend Mt. Rainier - (Doco) Interactive climbing guide. Allows one to learn the different routes.
(No Review) VD Basic Rock Climbing - (Doco) Instructional rock climbing video
**** BK Basic Rockcraft - Royal Robbins instructional manual
(No Review) BK Better Bouldering - How to Rock Climb Series
**** BK Big Wall Climbing: Elite Technique. - One of a series of eight Mountaineers Outdoor Expert books
***** BK Big Walls - How to Rock Climb Series
(No Review) VD Bolting Rock Climbs - (Doco) Bolting rock climbs, from the ground up. Types of bolts, drills, safety-tips, footage of bolts being placed.
(No Review) VD Climb Bolivias Huayna Potosi - (Doco) Two part series. How to do glacier travel techniques, crevasse rescue, etc.
***** BK Climb On - Skills for more efficient climbing - How to rockclimb series.
***** BK Climber's Handbook, The - Practical handbook for all types of climbing. Includes 300 illustrations of techniques, equipment, and locations.
(No Review) BK Climbing : Training for Peak Performance - For climbers of all ages, abilities, and interests who wish to improve their performance.
**** BK Climbing Anchors - How to Rock Climb Series
***** BK Climbing Big Walls - Basic to advanced instruction for climbing Big Walls.
(No Review) VD Climbing The Needles South Dakota - (Doco) How to climb chimney and crag, simu-raps, multi-pitch routes, etc.
(No Review) BK Complete Guide to Rope Techniques, The - A Comprehensive Handbook for Climbers
***** BK Downward Bound: A Mad! Guide to Rock Climbing - Introduction to climbing, history, and lots of humour.
***** BK Espresso Lessons - Mental Training
**** BK Extreme Alpinism - Physical, psychological, and technical aspects of alpine climbing at the bleeding edge
(No Review) VD Fingers of Steel - (Doco) Helps climbers improve performance.
*** BK Flash Training - How to Rock Climb Series
(No Review) BK France - Sites Naturels D'escalade - Its actually a map of France indicating climbing sites
(No Review) BK Glacier Travel & Crevasse Rescue - Reading Glaciers, Team Travel, Crevasse Rescue Techniques, Routefinding, Expedition Skills
(No Review) BK Gym Climb - How to Rock Climb Series
*** VD Hazards of Avalanche & Crevasse - (Doco) UK guides step us through beginers practices
*** BK How to Climb 5.12 - How to Rock Climb Series
(No Review) BK How to Ice Climb! - How to Rock Climb Series
(No Review) BK How to Rappel! - How to Rock Climb Series
**** BK How to Rock Climb! - How to Rock Climb Series
**** BK I Hate to Train Performance Guide for Climbers, The - How to Rock Climb Series
(No Review) BK Knots for Climbers - How to Rock Climb Series
(No Review) BK Learn Rock Climbing in a Weekend - Shows the novice step-by-step how to master the fundamental skills of rock climbing
**** DV Masterclass 1 & 2 - Instructional Vid from one of the Best coaches in the UK
***** BK More Climbing Anchors - How to Rock Climb Series
(No Review) BK Mountaineering First Aid - A Guide to Accident Response and First Aid Care
**** BK Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills - The Bible for climbers and mountaineers
*** VD Australian Moving Over Plastic - (Doco) Improve climbing performance through indoor climbing
(No Review) VD On Ice - (Doco) Ice climbers demonstrate their technique and personal style
(No Review) VD Performance Rock Climbing - (Doco) Video of the book by the same title
***** BK Performance Rock Climbing - Training for climbing
*** DV Pro Tips Volume One - Professional climbers share their tricks of the trade.
(No Review) CD Rock Climbing 101 - Basic Skills and Techniques
**** VD Rock Climbing Skills: The Basics & Beyond - (Doco) Basic equipment and techniques, hand, foot and body control, etc.
(No Review) VD Rock Climbing The Adirondacks - (Doco) How to set up belay systems, placing protection, etc.
**** BK Rock Warriors Way, The - Mental Training for Climbers
***** BK Australian Rockclimbing: Getting Started - Instructional book for beginner climbers.
***** BK Self-Rescue - How to Rock Climb Series
***** BK Skills for More Efficient Climbing - Techniques, illustrations, and inspirational stories for moving faster up the rock
(No Review) VD Snow Caves: How to Keep Warm with Ice - (Doco) The use and construction of snow caves for shelter
**** BK Sport Climbing - How to Rock Climb Series
(No Review) BK Toproping - How to Rock Climb Series
(No Review) VD Train to Climb Mount Rainier - (Doco) Comprehensive six-month training program for the novice-to-intermediate level alpine climber who wants to climb Mt. Rainier.
***** BK Training for Climbing - The definitive guide to improving your climbing performance.
(No Review) VD Vertical Rope Skills - (Doco) Demonstrates many of the primary rope skills
(No Review) VD Video Guide To Aid Climbing, The - (Doco) Experienced aid climbers teach you all the basic techniques
***** BK World Mountains - The worlds great mountains by the world's great mountaineers

Guides (Australian)    Push For The Summit

(No Review) BK Climb Point Perp - Photo topo climbing guide
*** BK Australian Climb Tasmania - Selected Best Climbs - Guidebook
***** BK Australian Memory of a Journey. Rock Climbing on Ben Lomond - Read the title
***** BK Australian Sydney Bouldering - The essential guide to bouldering in Sydney
***** BK VCC 2006 Mt Buffalo Rock Climbing Guide - Awesome Granite in an alpine environment!

Guides (International)    Push For The Summit

(No Review) BK Climber's Guide to Smith Rock - Climbing somewhere in Central Oregon
(No Review) BK Escalade Les Calanques - Climbing around Marseille, France
***** BK Europe Sport Vertical - Overview of climbing crags in Europe
**** BK Frenchman Coulee - guide near Vantage, Washington State
***** BK Golden bay Climbs - A Rockclimbers Guide to Paynes Ford ,Pohara and other Golden Bay Climbs
(No Review) CD Australian Interactive Guide to Climbing in South America - Comprehensive, media rich resource for mountaineering in South America
**** BK Lowland Outcrops - The essential guide for rock (and ice) around central and southern Scotland
**** BK Orpierre - Val de Meouge - Climbing guide to Orpierre, France
**** BK Parois de légende (Légendary cliffs) - International multi-pitch routes
(No Review) BK The Gunks Guide - Guide to the Shawangunks, New York
***** BK THE MEXICAN ROCK CLIMBING GUIDE BOOK (North) - The two guide books include 130 rock climbing areas (sport, trad, multipitch and bouldering) in Mexico. These two books, time, and a few pesos are all a climber needs for an awesome winter road trip.
***** BK THE MEXICAN ROCK CLIMBING GUIDE BOOK( South -Central) - The two guide books include 130 rock climbing areas (sport, trad, multipitch and bouldering) in Mexico. These two books, time, and a few pesos are all a climber needs for an awesome winter road trip.
(No Review) BK The Trad Guide to Joshua Tree - 60 Favorite Climbs from 5.5 to 5.9 - Full-color, very detailed guidebook to 60 easy to moderate Trad climbs at Joshua Tree.

123 of 178 books, 127 of 203 movies reviewed. 564 total reviews.


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