The Chockstone web pages contain a guide, "Tech Tips" and what look like instructions
on aspects of rock climbing and rappelling, sports which are inherently
dangerous and could easily get you killed.
However everything in this site is, for the most part, just opinion, based on
experiences, resources investigated, or just plain rumour and imprecise
memory. There are also contributions from other climbers on topics the
site author and forum moderators know
nothing about and can not validate. The site author makes no
claim that anything on this site is in any way accurate. Care in the preparation of the pages
has been taken, but the site author takes no responsibility for
anything that happens to you. Erroneous, misleading or just totally
incorrect content could easily have been made, written,
posted or reproduced. The
site author is not a climbing "expert" with formal training and for the most
part neither are any other contributors to the site. Please don't trust your life to something you read
here. You could well die. Your climbing partner could die. Get a good book, qualified instruction, or at least test things on
or close to the ground first. You should not depend
solely on information gleaned here for your personal safety. Your climbing safety depends on your own
judgment based on competent instruction, experience, and a realistic assessment of your climbing ability. No
claim is made about the suitability of the information on this site, for
any purpose, either stated or implied. By reading the information on this
site, you accept full responsibility for it's use, and any consequences of
Chockstone Forums
By using the Chockstone forums you (the forum users) are agreeing
that the site author and forum moderators:
* are authorised to remove uploaded files, content or works without
* are not responsible for determining content uploaded to the website.
* people posting material to the site indemnify Chockstone, the site author,
the site moderators, website hosting company and sponsors for any loss arising from any
defamation or libel prosecution.
following is a disclaimer copied from rec.climbing (no idea of it's
original source), and makes fun reading,
but the sentiments equally apply to all information contained on this site:
This is a repost of the standard disclaimer that applies to all topos I have ever provided and, for that matter, to all advice, and
observations I have ever provided, and discussions in which I have ever participated on this newsgroup, and elsewhere, concerning
anything. Hope this helps, and for those of you who are new to the group, you will now know what is meant when someone says "Duh! Read
the disclaimer!"...
This inaccurate topo is based on dim recollections, half-baked guesses, gossip, blind speculation, and outright lies. In NO WAY does
it tell the full story. You would probably be better off just trying to find your own way up the
mountain, than you would be if you used this topo. But that statement in no way implies that I am in any way responsible if you don't use the topo, and something bad happens
Nature is unpredictable and unsafe. Mountains are dangerous. Many books have been written about these dangers, and there's no way I can
even list them all here, let alone discussing how to reduce risk from
these dangers. Read the books.
The area depicted by this topo is covered in steep terrain with loose, slippery and unstable footing. The weather can make matters worse.
Sheer drops are everywhere. You may fall, be injured or die. There are hidden holes. You could break your leg. There are overhanging
outcroppings and low-growing tree branches where you could bump your head. There are wild animals, which may be vicious, poisonous, hungry
or carriers of dread diseases. These may include poisonous amphibians, reptiles, and insects; insects to which you have allergies, or whose
multiple stings can cause anaphylactic shock; mammals which may include skunks, badgers, marmots, lions, tigers, and bears; predatory
birds, and all other manner of beasts. Plants can be poisonous as
well, and even when not poisonous, can inflict serious injury like a sharp stick in the eye. Mushrooms growing in this area are very likely
extremely poisonous. This topo, and the author of this topo, will not do anything to protect you from any of this. I do not inspect,
supervise or maintain the ground, rocks, cliffs, wildlife, vegetation
or other features, natural or otherwise.
Real dangers are present even on approach trails. Trails are not sidewalks, and folks have died and been seriously injured even on
sidewalks when they have tripped on cracked concrete, plunged into meter boxes with missing covers, been mugged, hit by cars, had pianos
fall on them... Trails can be, and are, steep, slippery and dangerous. Trail features made or enhanced by humans, such as bridges, steps,
walls and railings (if any) can break, collapse, or otherwise fail catastrophically at any time. I don't promise to inspect, supervise or
maintain them in any way. They may be negligently constructed or repaired. Some trails in the area are only maintained by Nelson
Bighorn Sheep, who have little regard for human life or human safety, or any humans whatsoever. In summary, trails are unsafe, period. Live
with it or stay away.
Stay on the trails whenever possible. The terrain, in addition to being dangerous, is surprisingly complex. You may get lost. You
probably WILL get lost. The chances of getting lost multiply geometrically after the sun goes down, due to poor visibility. The sun
goes down at least once a day in this area. Not to say that you won't
get lost during daylight hours. In either event, carry a flashlight, extra bulb and batteries, compass, GPS, maps, altimeter, cellular
phone, food, water, matches and first aid supplies at all times. My advising you of this does not mean there are not other things you
should be carrying. Carry them as well, and know how to use them. I am
not responsible for the consequences if you fail to heed this advice. In fact, I am not responsible for the consequences even if you DO heed
this advice, nor am I responsible if you carry so much stuff along
that you end up moving so slowly that you get benighted. Tough luck.
Rocks and other objects can, and probably will, fall from the cliffs. They can tumble down slopes. This can happen naturally, or be caused
by people above you, such as climbers. Rocks of all sizes, including huge boulders, can shift, move or fall with no warning. If you don't
believe me check out the talus slopes at the base of some of the rock walls. They didn't just grow there. Use of helmets is advised for
anyone approaching the rock formations. In fact, you shouldn't really be approaching the rock formations anyway. That is a really stupid
thing to do. If you do decide to approach the formations, shoulder pads, knee pads, elbow pads, athletic cups and supporters and other
body armor may be handy as well as helmets. These items can be purchased or rented from mountaineering shops and athletic supply
stores. They won't save you if you get hit by or scrape against something big or on another part of your body. A whole rock formation
might collapse on you and squash you like a bug. Don't think it can't happen. It does, and it probably will.
Weather can be dangerous, regardless of the forecast. Be prepared with extra clothing, including rain gear. Hypothermia, heat stroke,
dehydration, frostbite, lightning, ice and snow, runoff from rainstorms, flashfloods, etc. can kill you. Rain can turn easy terrain
into a deathtrap, can drown you if you're looking up into the sky with
your mouth open, and vastly decreases traction on pavement. Snow is even worse, the hazards ranging from snowball fight injuries to
If you scramble in high places (scrambling is moving over terrain steep enough to use your hands) without proper experience, training
and equipment, or allow children to do so, you are making a terrible mistake. Even if you know what you're doing and are the most
experienced and safest climber the world has ever known, you are
still making a terrible mistake: lots of things can and do go wrong and you may be injured or die. It happens all the time.
Furthermore, scrambling amongst the huge boulders in this canyon, even without exposure of high places, can result in serious physical and/or
emotional injury, or death. This area, and this route, are not provided with any rangers or
security personnel on any regular basis. The other people in the area, including other visitors, USFS employees, foreign agents,
biologists and nature freaks, terrorists and anyone else who might sneak in, may be stupid, reckless, a religious fanatic, or otherwise
dangerous. They may be mentally ill, criminally insane, drunk, using illegal drugs and/or armed with anything from nail clippers to deadly
weapons and ready to use them. I'm not going to do anything about that. I refuse to take responsibility.
Excessive consumption of alcohol, use of prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and/or controlled substances while
frequenting this area can and probably will affect your mental state, alertness, and
decision-making abilities, and could make an already dangerous situation even worse. Even hyperventilation or spinning
around rapidly and repeatedly can affect your equilibrium to the point that even on a flat paved surface you may fall and injure yourself.
Even abstinence from consciousness-altering substances and actions
won't protect you from the actions of others under the influence of such substances or actions. That's your problem, and yours alone. Not
my fault.
The driveways, freeways, highways, streets, alleys, back roads and unimproved 4WD tracks leading to this area kill hundreds of folks each
year. Many of these fatalities are folks who aren't even on their way to this canyon, who in fact have never heard of this canyon, but are
simply innocent victims. Not so you. You have been warned. You could get killed driving to the trailhead. Wearing your seatbelt tightly
fastened with the lap belt low across your waist improves your chances of survival, in most cases (except that one steep section of road) but
does not and cannot guarantee your safety. You might die before ever stepping out of your vehicle at the
trailhead, or on the way home. It can happen any time. If you think you are immune from this kind of
thing, you're fooling yourself.
This is not a sterile environment. Bacteria, viruses, protozoa, protoviruses, fungi and other forms of life and protolife which may or
may not be currently included in either the plant or animal kingdom are capable of causing you serious bodily harm, illness, or death.
These kinds of biological agents are both endemic in the area or present in the plant and animal populations; and are also capable of
being carried or transmitted by your climbing partners and travelling companions. I'm not going to take responsibility for this, either. My
advice for you to treat drinking water, wash your hands before and after going to the bathroom and before eating, to not breathe
hunta-virus-contaminated dust, and to not indulge in unprotected sex in this area, in no way obligates me to be responsible for the
consequences if you fail to do so, nor does it mean that even if you DO take these precautions and something happens anyway, that I am to
blame. Not so. Forget it. Nada. Negativo.
If you climb, you may die or be seriously injured. And the longer you climb the greater your risk of bad luck, which may or may not be
compounded by hubris, catching up to you. This is true whether you are experienced or not, trained or not, and equipped or not, though
training, experience and equipment may help. It's a fact, climbing is
extremely dangerous. If you don't like it, stay at home. You really shouldn't be doing it anyway. I do not provide supervision or
instruction. I am not responsible for, and do not inspect or maintain, climbing anchors (including bolts, pitons, slings, trees, etc.) As far
as I know, any of them can and probably will suddenly fail without warning and send you plunging to your death with a bloodcurdling
scream, likely pulling your partner to his or her doom as well. There are countless tons of loose rock ready to be dislodged and fall on you
or someone else. There are any number of inobvious, extremely and unusually dangerous conditions existing on and around the rocks, and
elsewhere in the canyon. I probably don't know about any specific hazard, but even if I do, don't expect this topo or its author to try
to warn you. You're on your own.
We won't even begin to discuss rappelling. If you are thinking of travelling here for the express purpose of rappelling, do us all a
favor: Just take a nice nap in the fast lane of an interstate truck route. But be advised that, if you do, I am in no way responsible for
the consequences of that, either.
Furthermore, the fact that I'm not trying to stop you from being in this area in no way implies, nor should it be inferred, that I
approve, recommend, advocate, or otherwise in any way affirm that such action on your part is anything but incredibly stupid.
Rescue services are not provided by anyone near this climb, and may not be available quickly or at all. In fact, if anything really
serious happens to you in this area, you'll probably be dead before word ever reaches civilization. Local rescue squads may not be
equipped for or trained in mountain rescue. They probably won't be. If you are lucky enough to have somebody try to rescue you or treat your
injuries, they will probably be incompetent or worse. This includes doctors and hospitals. I assume no responsibility. Also, if you decide
to participate in a rescue of some other unfortunate, that's your choice. Don't do it unless you are willing to assume all risks, and
don't blame me when it goes bad and you end up getting yourself sued in the process.
By using, or even just looking at this topo, you are agreeing that I owe you no duty of care or any other duty, you agree to release me, my
relatives, heirs, dependents, and anyone else I care to name, now and forevermore, from any and all claims of liability, even though my
actions may be grossly negligent and/or be construed as reckless endangerment, manslaughter, or other misconduct up to and including
premeditated murder. By consulting this topo, you agree to waive forever any rights that you, your partners, dependents, heirs, inlaws,
and others known or unknown to you may have, to legal compensation resulting from anything that has anything to do with this topo,
including but in no way limited to paper cuts from the edge of the topo itself. If you try to sue me in spite of all this, you agree
to pay my lawyers fees regardless of the outcome of the suit, and you expressely agree to re-imburse me for any loss or injury, be it
financial, physical, emotional, or imagined, which I may experience as a result of such lawsuit.
I promise you nothing. I do not and will not even try to keep the area safe for any purpose. The area is NOT safe for any purpose. This is no
joke. I won't even try to warn you about any dangerous or hazardous condition, whether I know about it or not. If I do decide to warn you
about something, that doesn't mean I will try to warn you about anything else. If I do make an effort to fix an unsafe condition, I
may not try to correct any others, and I may actually make matters worse! I may have done things in the area that are unwise and
dangerous. I probably did, but I don't remember. Sorry, I'm neither competent nor responsible. The topo gives you bad advice. Don't
listen. Or do listen. It's your choice, but you face the consequences either way, whatever they may be.
In short, CLIMB AT YOUR OWN RISK. If you, or your heirs, relatives, dependents or others known or unknown to you; your partner or your
partners heirs, relatives, dependents, or others known or unknown to you OR your partner, are the slimy kind of lawyer-touting parasites
who would try to sue the author of a topo, If you can't take
responsibility for your own decisions, knowledge, routefinding and plain dumb bad luck, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stay far far away from this
route and this canyon, give up climbing, and die of some completely natural, painful, and slowly progressive disease.
Thank you, climb safe, and have fun!