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Grampians quite possibly offers more climbs in the one general location than any other place in the country. There are literally
thousands of routes to tick. They are spread out over a vast, mountainous
and forested park, with some areas requiring lengthy approaches into
remote wilderness along rough dirt roads and faint walking tracks. (See: approach
map). If
you're on a lightening tour of Victorian climbing, you'll probably get
more bang for your buck at Mt Arapiles,
where almost all the routes are within walking distance of the one camp
site. In the Grampians you'll defiantly need a car to move between areas.
Never-the-less, the Grampians does provide places such as the ever popular
"Summer Day Valley", where access is a breeze. And it has to be
said, compared to Arapiles, the Grampians is stunningly beautiful,
containing wild and ragged crags, enjoyable hiking, picturesque water
falls, and amazing rock formations. It also has a wealth of up market accommodation and tourist facilities. So
if your lightening tour requires activities for non-climbers then the
Gramps is probably the better choice.
Right: Will Monks Tags The Dyno, Mirage
(27), Taipan Wall. Photo by
Michael Boniwell. To purchase a print,
click here, then select "Buy Photo".
Some areas are a full on sport climber's paradise,
like "The Gallery", or "Van Diemen's Land", with way
hard, steep bolted lines (See: Sport
Climber's Guide). However, the majority of areas are traditionally
protected with only the occasional bolt where natural gear won't suffice.
There are tall, wandering, multi-pitch lines that will give you captivating
views and a chance to experience adventure climbing at it's best. There
are also shorter and easier lines for all skill levels. Basically
something for everyone.
There are fourteen official camping grounds within
the park, where fees apply. You can easily pick up a map of these sites
from the visitor centres, at Halls Gap, or outlying townships. Generally
you'll find toilets, picnic tables, and fireplaces, but often there will
not be tap water. There's a shop in Halls Gap where you can hire gear
and a climbing guide if necessary.
For A First Visit:
If this is your first visit, it's probably easiest
to follow the crowds and head to "Summer Day Valley". Park at Hollow Mountain
carpark and walk in. You can camp at the nearby Mt Stapylton camping ground which boasts running
water and new, clean toilets. Make sure you get up
"Flake Of Fear", grade 15, and "Soweto" grade 21 on
the "Wall Of Fools". "Milupa" the grade 28 that goes
up the centre of the overhang is quite well known, and often attracts a
crowd of on-lookers when someone is working it. Mt Stapylton, is also home
to the infamous, and inspiring Taipan
Wall, where the big boys play. If
you get sick of Mt Stapylton, head on over to Mt
Rosea, for some tall multi-pitch routes. Or perhaps look at Mt Difficult,
though the walk-in can be a turn off for some. And of course, there's the
aforementioned Bundaleer. If
you've only an afternoon to spare, try the
Watch Tower, best climbing within
walking distance of Halls Gap. If you have a large group of top ropers,
something like Black Ian's Rocks
would be the go. Then there's a wealth of stuff in the Victoria Range for
those that don't mind a walk-in. Basically the list is endless.
Rainy Day Climbing:
If it's totally pouring rain, you can still
tick some dry climbs at the Gallery,
Caves, or Muline Cave in the Victoria
Range, Bundaleer, Neil's new
Sentinel Cave or
Taipan's baby cousin "Spurt
Wall" provided you're up for hard sport leads on super
overhanging terrain. Spurt, also has fantastic rainy day bouldering at
it's base - dry even during a thunderstorm. If it's just a summer shower,
wait a few minutes and rock will dry out pretty quick. For winter climbing
you've got to take up bolt clipping in caves.
Sport Climbing:
See the on-line guide Grampians Sport
Climbing - Grade 25 and Under.
There are simply far too many area's and routes to
mention here. I suggest you get yourself a copy of "Grampians
Selected Climbs", the guide book authored by Simon Mentz and
Glenn Tempest and available from local climbing shops or the VCC, and take
it from there. There are about half a dozen other guide books for the
Grampians region, covering specific areas in detail, but the
aforementioned guide gives you the cream of the crop from all of them. Have
fun, and climb safe!
Selected Grampians Climbing Areas 
Just the particularly worthwhile crags (mostly as mentioned
in Mentz and Tempest's "Grampians Selected Climbs"). There are a
huge number of areas absent from the table shown below. The approximate
number of climbs shown comes from TheCrag.com's
Area Description |
Climbs |
Access |
Northern Grampians
~1466 |
* |
Mt Stapylton Ampitheatre
(See Also:
Grampians Guide)
Tall multi-pitch adventure climbing, including the
infamous Taipan Wall with exposed, hard climbing in the mid to high
twenties and beyond. Taipan is very popular among the stronger
climbers. This is where the big boys play. The huge, overhanging
orange wall dominants the whole valley offering a stunning view from
Flat Rock (pictured right). Even the easiest route up requires
aiding. Easier, multi-pitch trad lines head up the grey cliffs to
it's left, and the little sport crag "Spurt Wall" is
nestled below it. Far right of Taipan is
The Plaza Strip. But Taipan remains the icon, the proving ground of
would be hard climber types. If you're ticking lines at Taipan
you've "made it". There's also Neil's "Sentinel
Cave" to look at, and the new
Guardhouse area, both
within an easy walk from Stapylton camp ground. |
158 |
mins |
* |
Day Valley
The most popular area in the Grampians? Great for
beginners, top ropers and guided groups. Also has some harder lines
on the Wall Of Fools. Nearby Mt Stapylton
camping area is new and
has running water and nice toilets. If you haven't climbed in the
Gramps before this is a good place to start with easy access and
nothing very tall or exposed. Beware the crowds though. Expect to
find queues at the base of popular routes, and gang top ropers on
sunny long weekends. Also, sometimes the army dudes Aussie rappel
down the wall of fools and rig flying foxes across the valley. If it
gets too crowded just walk deeper into Hollow Mountain. |
316 |
mins |
* |
 Hollow Mountain & Surrounds
(See Also:
Grampians Guide)
Including Van Diemen's
Land, which is a sport
climbers area in which the easiest line (apart from one 18), is the wickedly
fun Terminal Insomnia, a grade 22 clip up. There's also Neil's "Cut
Lunch Wall" and
Bad Moon Rising Wall on the way to Van Diemans.
Sandinista Cliffs has that
wild looking right trending crack going up the centre of it, "Sandinista"
grade 23 - a lead to aspire to! Around the corner is
Amnesty Wall with some
steep stuff. Clicke Wall
is not far off. "Golden Showers and Group Sex", 21m grade 20
at Hollow Mountain block is a fun mixed bolt and trad line. Arguably the
"best hike in Victoria", starts from the top of Hollow Mt
Block (up through the caves), and continues in a huge circle around
the ridgeline of Mt Stapylton, coming down next to Taipan Wall and
along the tourist track to Flat Rock. Navigating the dangerous
ridgeline above Hollow Mountain is tricky and exposed. Occasional
cairns mark the way, but really there is no track until you get down
near Taipan and some sections are almost worth roping up for. A
memorable walk. |
229 |
mins |
Mt Difficult
Quite a strenuous walk-in with a pack full of
climbing gear. Lots very trad multi-pitch stuff in the easier
grades. I.e., expect to be slinging loose blocks, wandering off route
and fighting chimney's. Not as popular as it could be, probably due
to the walk-in. |
127 |
mins |
Asses Ears
Generally two or three pitch routes over a wide range
of grades. Great views from the top of some of the bigger climbs
which provide an adventure. Nearby there is also
Schroeder's Cliff. |
238 |
mins |
This is a new semi-sport crag located in the Northern
Grampians. The rock is steep orange sandstone walls with the
occasional cave thrown in for good measure. Most of the better routes
are grade 20+ and protected mainly by bolts. |
25 |
mins |
The Black Range
~235 |
* |
Black Ian's Rocks
This spot is pretty cool. A long cliff that isn't
very tall (like maybe 15m), but with one quality line after another,
especially in the 17 to 18 grade range. There-fore it makes a great
place to tick numerous lines, set up top ropes, etc. With access a
breeze, a small camping cave, it's got all the fun but without the
exposure of multi-pitching. |
109 |
mins |
Mt Talbot
Just down the road from Black Ian's Rocks, this
little area offers about three outstanding lines among an assortment
of lesser quality stuff. |
22 |
mins |
Central Grampians
~606 |
* |
Gotta love Bundaleer! With a great
camping cave so tall and wide you can see the stars! Wicked, way
hard overhanging routes. Plus popular sport lines like "Manic
Depressive", Grade 25, that draw a lot of attention. One of my
most memorable and enjoyable on-sights was Blimp, grade 20, a well
protected trad crack climb. If it rains, you can boulder and climb
in the caves! |
197 |
mins |
* |
Mt Rosea
Well known for its superb multi-pitch classic
adventure routes, the cliffs average about 100m high. You don't have
to be a hardman to lead a mega classic, for example the three star
routes: "Mixed Climb" 120m goes at grade 12,
"Debutante" 117m grade 15, "Herectic" 117m grade
17, and a wealth of tall stuff moving progressivly up into the
mid-twenties. You can camp at Rosea Campground and take the uphill foot track
to the base. Take two ropes and a diverse trad rack. |
171 |
mins |
Western Bloc
No mega classics, just a good selection of shorter
climbs in peaceful surrounds. A compact crag. |
19 |
mins |
Halls Gap
~648 |
Mackey's Peak
Lots of loose stuff. Lots of tourists. Steep access
on an established track. It looks impressive though. The crag is
clearly visible from Hall Gap, rising above it on the south side. |
21 |
mins |
 The Elephants Hide
Bolted slab climbing on the aptly named outcrop easily
visible from the sealed road. Access is a pleasant stroll from
Halls Gap. The grade 17 and grade 21 routes are worth a look. Grab
some draws and go! |
5 |
mins |
Wall Of China
Mediocre short routes near a very popular tourist
track. Beware the camera wielding gawkers. |
44 |
mins |
Pastoral Buttress / Rural Rocks
A couple of tiny, but fun little crags. Pastoral for
crack lines, Rural for face. |
22 |
mins |
The Radiator
Not many routes, but they are quality. Bring the big
cams. Nothing taller than 25m. |
8 |
mins |
 The Watchtower
The best climbing within walking distance of Halls
Gap? Slabby to vertical climbing in the 14 to 27 grades. A few
bolts, but mainly trad. The crag is not big but has some quality
lines and is almost within spitting distance of the car park. Only a
very short drive from Halls Gap. A good place to fill in the
afternoon. |
42 |
mins |
Weathered Wall |
38 |
mins |
Lunar Crag |
21 |
mins |
South-Eastern Grampians
~701 |
Barbican Wall
Easy to intermediate trad area not far out of Hall
Gap, with some routes tall
enough to need multi-pitches. Some of the best lines here are around
the area including Stormbringer, 42m grade 21 and it's neighbouring
route Rapier, 56m grade 17 that takes a distinctive layback crack
with an optional grade 20 roof finish. Mutinous Dog, the 63m grade
18 also looks good. |
33 |
mins |
  Barbican Rocks
Bring the hexes! Similar to Barbican Wall, just a
short walk further up the road, with easy
to intermediate trad routes up to 100m, though many shorter. The
best line here is the three star route Lonely Race, 45m Grade 19
that takes the centre of the big orange wall. |
36 |
mins |
 The First Dial
A 50m crag offering surprisingly sustained climbing
around the 16 to 21 grades, though a three star 40m grade 25
"Intermission" beckons. Stick to
the left side of the cliff for the quality lines. Evidence of
brittle rock exists. Not far from Halls Gap. Do not drive your
family sedan in here if it's been raining. |
36 |
mins |
 Mt Abrupt
Tall exposed routes, the most popular of which is
Power Drive 175m, grade 14. |
45 |
mins |
Victoria Range
~1138 |
Eureka Wall
Poor access (read crippling walk-in) leads to a very
photogenic and inspiring wall containing some of the best climbing
in the Grampians assuming you're cranking mid-twenty grades. |
38 |
mins |
 Mt Fox
Climbers come here primarily do to the impressive three
star route "Twentieth Century Fox" 50m grade 20,
though there are enough other lines to fill in the day. The route is
mixed trad and bolts and includes a crux jam crack followed by
exposed face climbing. See Also:
Hollywood Bowl (PDF) |
85 |
mins |
The Gallery
Full on sport climber's paradise. Steep, very hard
pocketed wall. Bolts galore. The crag itself is not so easy to find. We
once spent hours of a rainy day looking for it. Stick to the cairned
trail, and you'll be right. Chain Of Fools, grade 23 is the easiest
line. Pumpy, but otherwise quite achievable on huge jugs. |
15 |
mins |
Red Cave
A scrubby and lengthy approach for one outstanding
wild roof climb "Welcome To Barbados" 50m grade 29 all on
trad gear! You can camp in the cave. No bolting is allowed. |
3 |
mins |
Millennium Caves
Way steep sport climbing. A lot of the routes end
mid-way up the cliff. Nothing easier than grade 26, with plenty
around grade 29. Only for the truly buffed sport climbing masters.
A 4wd is required on the approach tracks. |
13 |
mins |
Crystal Palace
Quality adventure climbing up to 70m or so on the
main wall, though there is also plenty of shorter routes. Beware the
occasional loose stuff. Bring the full trad rack. Cool in summer.
Freezing in winter. |
32 |
mins |
The Fortress
A wild approach requiring a 4wd on the
tracks, and good navigation skills on the walk-in. The area is
famous for the line "Passport To Insanity" 135m grade 27,
which involves a jam crack roof with a downhill angle, which resides
60m off the deck! Aiding the roof drops the free climbing grade to
20. The line has been photographed countless times and labelled the
"best climb in Australia" by many. |
39 |
mins |
Slander Gully
It's a longish drive and walk-in to Slander
Gully just to get up one three star 18 "Twentieth Century Black Feral Cat" 40m. However, I can recommend the
line. Classic face climbing leads to the last few metres being
run out above small gear. There are a few other good lines out there, but
this one is the draw card, worth the distance if you've got time to
kill. If you have a studly car you can sneak to within 2 mins of the
crag. Greased Nipples is one of the best 20's in the gramps. Mt Pox is located directly above Slander Gully and contains several very nice routes as well. |
31 |
mins |
Curiosity Crag
Curiosity Crag is situated in an amphitheatre 100m
before crossing the creek at Slander Gully. |
18 |
mins |
Tortoise Wall
Some good routes, reasonable but lengthy walk-in.
Mainly single pitch trad though there are a few lines as high as
50m. Grades hover around 20-ish. |
24 |
mins |
 Gilham's Crags
Akin to Summerday Valley, but smaller and without the
connivent camping and approach. Lots of single pitch routes covering
all variety of grades and styles. |
78 |
mins |
The Breach
Good variety of middle to harder grade single pitch
climbs. |
28 |
mins |
Death March Wall
Viciously hard and lengthy
walk-in leads to a good selection of medium grade climbs |
39 |
mins |
Park on Red Rock Road immediately opposite the large pinnacle with
distinctive steep orange west face about 1km south of Mt Fox car park.
Hop over the fence and stroll across the paddocks and enter some light
scrub hopefully spotting the local emus and grey kangaroos. |
32 |
mins |
Gondwanaland |
13 |
mins |
Muline Cave
A small but amazing area tucked away in a
couple of caves on Muline Creek. The easist line is Pocket Full Of
Dreams (23), a semi-trad line up immaculate pockets then some very
spaced flakes. The hardest is Nathan Hoette's sport climb masterpiece
'Flower Power' (33). |
13 |
mins |
Guide Books Available 
Get yourself a copy of "Grampians
Selected Climbs", the guide book authored by Simon Mentz and
Glenn Tempest. It gives you the cream of the crop from all
Grampians areas. Alternatively consider the following, most of which are available
from local climbing shops or the
Climbs of Halls Gap
and The Wonderland Range
Andrews |
Black Guide
Andrews (1997) |
Western Grampians:
Interim Climbing Guide
Talbett & James Mcintosh (1994) |
Stapylton Amphitheatre
Loughran (1997) |
The Wonderland Range
Baxter (1999) |
New Climbs in the South-Eastern Grampians
Baxter (1993) |
Further Reading:
Grampians Guide - Online guide to Hollow Mtn and Stapylton,
including bouldering!
Selected Climbs - Guide book authored by Simon Mentz and Glenn Tempest
and available from local climbing shops or the VCC.
Mount Stapylton
Amphitheatre - On-line guide by Kieran Loughran.
State Park - Park's Victoria's page on the Grampians.
*Grampians Climbing Areas
- Interactive maps of Grampians climbing destinations.
Grampians Mountain
Adventure - Climbing guides for Grampians & Arapiles.
Neil's Haul Bag -
Neil Monteith's site, includes on-line guides to some Grampians areas.
Boulder Lounge - Includes an on-line bouldering guide to some areas of
the Grampians.
Grampians - A map of the Grampians climbing areas, on "Gator's
Australian Climbing Page", a Geocites personal web site.
Grampians Little Desert
- Tourist Info for Grampians / Arapiles region.
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