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This guide contributed by Neil Monteith. Disclaimer: Rock climbing is a
dangerous sport. None of the information contained in this document has
been verified. Treat all fixed gear with suspicion, route grades may be
incorrect and the rock may be poor. The editors of this document take no
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nmoneith@yahoo.com. Download
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This complex area has emerged from obscurity and now
contains a wealth of quality sport, semi-sport and trad routes on some of
the best rock in Victoria. With easy access and a good variety of grades
this crag is destined for popularity. The three dimensional nature of the
area means you can climb in the shade all day long or be protected from
light rain. The big boulder caves also offer great exploration and have
the habit of eating loose shoes or ‘biners. This area is located in the
Victoria Ranges in the Grampians National Park, Victoria. Park on Red Rock
Road immediately opposite the large pinnacle with distinctive steep orange
west face about 1km south of Mt Fox car park. Hop over the fence and
stroll across the paddocks and enter some light scrub hopefully spotting
the local emus and grey kangaroos. The first big boulder with a couple of
rusty hangers on the west face is Pellant Pinnacle. Much of this
information comes from Michael Hampton’s forthcoming Victoria Ranges
guidebook. Buy it in a store soon!
Sector 1 
Access: Victoria Gap 116794, 12 minutes, Flat.
This squat boulder is 100m downhill from Red Rock
Pinnacle. The routes are not very inspiring but might be useful for a
warm-up. Descent is down the N face or by rap slings.
1] A Kilogram Of Pellent Please 12m 16
Flake crack at L end of NW wall. FFA Rick Jeukin, Ross Meffin Sept 91
2] Red Horny Thing 10m 14+
Blunt orange arete with large horn R of Kilogram etc. Two
useless FH’s which are positioned in impossible to clip situations. Ignore
them and place good trad instead. Rap off bollard or continue up another
20m of rubbish juggy rock. The start is much harder than grade 14. FFA
Rick Jeukin, Ross Meffin Sept 91
3] Bottom Juice 7m 16
Not very appetising. Flake (2 BRs), at R end of west wall. Rick Jeukin,
FFA Ross Meffin Sept 91
4] Kauk is my Hero 25m 16
Ron would be ashamed of this effort. L orange streak on wall R of
Bottom Juice, then wall above to rap station. FFA Ross Meffin (solo)
Sept 91
5] An Ewok Adventure 25m 14
Orange streak on R, then to Kauk is my Hero’s rap station. FFA
Ross Meffin, Rick Jeukin (solo) Sept 91
Isolated pillar 50m south and slightly downhill from
English Rose.
6] Vertebrae 15m 19 *
A great novelty warm-up. The route climbs the ‘backbone’ arête of the
uphill side of the pillar past three FH’s and some small natural gear for
the top. Rap off double rings. FFA Neil Monteith 1.9.2002
7] Project 15m 22?
Starts just left of Vertebrae. Up face using numerous underclings. 4
bolts needed. FTRA Neil Monteith 14.9.2002
Down hill and slightly north of
Pellant Pinnacle is this
stand alone pinnacle. Descent is off slings either back down the route or
off rock spike down the other side of pinnacle (shorter).
8] No Habla Espanol 26m 17
On the SE face of the pinnacle is a bottomless wide crack. Up crack
(crux) on good gear then head left up rampy corner. Finish up vertical
crack on jugs. FFA Marcel Geelen & Jac Cutter 13.10.02
You can’t miss these two obvious overhanging orange
pinnacles behind the paddocks to the south of Red Rock creek. The west
faces contain a couple of very impressive old school routes which have
began to get mossy on the lower slabs. On the back side is an assortment
of newer semi-sport routes.

PINNACLE: Sector 4 
9] Conflict of Interest 25m 21 *
Sport climbing up grey face. Starts about 5m right of Red Ragging
on far right side of south face of southern main pillar. Red scooped
rock past a FH leads through small roof then onwards past seven ringbolts
to DRB lower off. Thin sustained face climbing on nubbins are the main
attraction. FFA Neil Monteith & Nick McKinnon 12.10.2002
10] The Propaganda Machine 35m 19
Starts 3m left of Conflict of Interest on south face of southern
pinnacle. Up and left on orange rock with no gear to left leading small
crack through bulge at 5m. Stem through bulge and swing out left to meet
up with Red Ragging. Follow it for a few metres then head diagonally right
aiming for the prominent left leaning orange corner. Up corner using jugs
on big hollow sounding block to finish with bouldery left traverse to
ledge. FFA Neil Monteith & Rohan Archibald 23.3.2003
11] Red Ragging 30m 17
The easiest route on the southern pinnacle. Scramble up the S face to
a ledge on the SW arete. Traverse R above red overhang with poor pro then
climb directly to the top on juggy grey rock. FFA Louise Shepherd, Steve
Monks, Peter Riddy March 89
12] Redback 55m 25 **
Needs a good brushing down low. A fine face pitch leads to wild swings
through the top overhang. 1) 25m (24) Climb tenuously past a BR 10m L of
the R arete and continue R-ward to a second BR. Up and R to good slots and
continue diagonally R to gain short groove and the ledge on SW arete. 2)
30m (25) Up to gain the prominent undercut ‘jug’ on the arete. Heave over
the roof and up to a rest. Swing around on to the W face and go up, it
gets easier, to the top. FFA Steve Monks, Jane Wilkinson, Martin Scheel
March 89
Right: Dean
Chamberlain on the second ascent of Conflict of Interest (21).
13] English Rose 45m 26 **
A continuous pitch up the centre of the face, gradually steepening as
it goes. Desperate friction moves (mossy) 5m L of Redback lead past
a BR to a slim groove. Up L past a second BR to gain a thin crack which
leads to the prominent diagonal. Continue more easily up the L leading
diagonal crack to a thin vertical crack. When the crack ends, lurch L to
gain another overhanging crack, which leads to the top. First pitch is
mossy. FFA Steve Monks, Jane Wilkinson March 89
14] Red Rock Arete 35m 23 *
A fairly good climb, taking the L arete of the main face. Start from a
ledge gained by scrambling up the boulder choked gully. Climb a short
crack from the R side of the ledge then move back L to the arete and up
and slightly R to more cracks leading up to the arete again. Move around L
of the arete and up to a ledge (belay possible) to finish up the final,
steeply overhanging arete. Double ropes a must. Steve Monks, Louise
Shepherd, Peter Riddy March 89
15] I Just Called To Say I Love You 20m 18M1
Starts 10m L of Red Rock Arete. Access from rear of pillar. R
leading ramp leads to bulge, then L past protruding knob and up. Watch for
the perched block of doom. Leader slung knob for aid. Gay Welders Union
Jan 2002
16] One Ring to Bind Them 15m 23
Great line but mediocre climbing. The overhung knifeblade arete about
5m right of Variance. Stickclip ringbolt for bouldery start then
hang on for the ride up fragile sharp pockets and flakes past a BR and
several small wires. Rap off sling on bollard or walk to chain above
Fat Fingered Freak. FFA Neil Monteith & Nick McKinnon 2.3.2002
17] Variance 20m 24 *
Starts 5m right of Fat Fingered Freak, on the back side of the
English Rose block. Stick clip ring from block. Jump for jug and
mantle onto ledge. Clip BR and step right then trend back left along
sloping orange edge (BR) to under cracked bulge. Pull through this
strenuously protected by wires to jug at base of small corner. Clip BR;
stem into corner for a few moves then reach out left to escape hold that
leads to jugs and top. FFA Neil Monteith & Nick McKinnon 2.3.2002
Right: Nick McKinnon repeats the
sustained sandstone route, Variance (24), on the backside of Red Rocks.
18] Fat Fingered Freak 20m 23 *
Pumpy with some novelty moves. Located 5m left of Variance in
shaded chasm. Steep short corner (ring) to ledge. Step R then up flake
system past two rings and small natural gear to rap chain. FFA Nick
McKinnon, Neil Monteith 27.1.2002
19] Grey Matter 40m 13
Long gentle wall left of Womble. First move off the ground is
the crux. John Taylor and Mark Sewell did an un-recorded climb in this
vicinity during Easter 1978. Start in the gap between Red Rock Pinnacle
and the Hamstrung pinnacle. Pull onto the wall then follow intermittent
seams up the grey wall, trending gradually rightwards. If the first move
is problematic, you can bridge between the two pinnacles. FFA Keith
Lockwood, Pete Canning, Norm Booth, Ed Neve. 3.5.03
20] Womble 20m 13
Easy juggy face on wall opposite I Just Called etc. Top out on
the pillar next to the wall with English Rose. FA Gay Welders Union
Jan 2002
21] Strike the First Blow 17m 25 **
On back side of wall L of English Rose. Starts from large
suspended chock-stone bridge. Three FH’s up rounded rib leads to jug.
Traverse R along break past wire and FH then head straight up (FH) to
chain. FFA Neil Monteith, Nick McKinnon, Marcel Geelen 26.1.2002
22] Static Ticking Rampage 20m 22 *
Scoopy steep sport route. Starts below suspended chockstone belay of
STFB on backside of northern pinnacle. Up into scoop and over rooflet then
easily up jugs to tricky step right onto small ledge. Blast straight up
orange overhung wall above to horizontal break and finish up left past the
last FH of STFB to its rap chain. 6 RBs. Neil Monteith, Tim Lee. 27.10.03
Right: Neil on the FFA of the bouldery Strike
the First Blow (25).
23] Project 17m 26?
Orange bulging face about 20m right of Strike the First Blow.
24] Hamstrung 30m 18
Directly left of English Rose is a gully. Left of this is an
Arapiles style unclimbed overhung crack. Left of this is an easy angled
left facing orange corner. Up this to meet with top of pine tree. Peer
around the corner to find horizontal rising crack with occasional tufts of
grass. Traverse desperately along this with nigh all footholds to end up
perched on sharp rest flake. Finish up easy jugs to top. FFA Neil Monteith
& Nick McKinnon 2.3.2002
25] Project 15m 28?
Overhung thin rounded crack. Any takers?
BACK WALL: Sector 6 
26] Wimbleton 40m 14
Directly opposite Strike the First Blow
(back of main wall), is a juggy wall. Start a few metres right and climb
the grey face which gets easier the higher you get. At the small red cave
climb out the overhung right side and up easily to ledge. FFA Gay Welders
Union September 2002
27] Moria 40m 16
Starts about 3m right of Wimbleton at smooth
part of grey wall. Up a few moves then right 2m. Follow easing seam,
trending slightly left, to break overhang just right of the small red cave
on Wimbleton. FFA Keith & Tim Lockwood, Ray Lassman. 19.4.03
28] Height of Darkness 20m 15
Grey slabby wall directly opposite Fat
Fingered Freak and 50m right of Moria. Bouldery start which relents to big
pockets and some seriously large jugs at end. Three BR’s and natural pro.
First ascent was climbed in the pitch dark. FFA Neil Monteith & Jacqui
Middleton 21.9.2003
29] Gimli 25m 14
Pinnacle 30m right of Wimbleton. Climb
easy-angled grey rib for about 7m, step left then steeply to top of
pinnacle. Descent can be accomplished over the next pinnacle. Ray Lassman,
Keith & Tim Lockwood. 19.4.03
From Strike the First Blow walk north about
30m past large boulder. Head uphill for about 100m and locate large cleft
on the rock wall to your right. This is the ‘trench’. An excellent
bouldering area dubbed the ‘Skull Cave’ is located 50m out from the
entrance. To get into the trench with the sport routes you must climb a
20m grade 2 bridging corner into the cave.
30] Wave of Mutilation 10m 24 **
The route begins at the left hand end of the Trench. Follow 3 FH to a
chain anchor. A tricky crux on sensational rock. A #2 Rock will protect
the start, or stick-clip the first bolt. FFA Tim Marsh 16.11.2002
Right: Tim Marsh ticks the first ascent of
Wave of Mutliation (24) on the superb rock of the Red Rocks area.
31] Bathysphere 15m 25? (project)
Four bolts up thin orange face 3m right of Wave of Mutilation. Tim
Marsh project
32] Spinal Tap 25m 23 **
4m right of Wave of Mutilation. Chimney up the start to the
first FH. Flakes, pockets and hecuos lead up steep orange wall past eight
FH’s. Watch the lurking block behind you between the fourth and sixth
bolts. Neil Monteith & Nick McKinnon 2.1.2003
33] Used Platypus Condom 15m 19 **
Steep pumpy jug hauling on orange rock. Located on upper wall deep
inside chasm. Two RB’s to start then medium gear to DRB lower off. FFA
Neil Monteith & Dean Chamberlain 12.10.2002
34] Aleutian Crack 35m 16 *
The shrubbery isn’t as bad as it looks! On the left side of the
entrance to the Marianas Trench there is a wide crack. From the ground,
scramble up on jumbled blocks for 5 meters to gain the base of the crack.
A couple of layback moves take you to a grassy ledge. Climb the slab on
the left of the crack to avoid some vegetation before stepping back into
the line and on to the top. A big cam (4 Camalot or similar) is useful.
FFA David Jupp, Tim Marsh 2.11.02
36] Pike 35m 17
Good, delicate and well protected slab climbing. The slab and shallow
cracks 5 meters left of Aelutian Crack. Climb short grassy crack
onto the slab then follow the cracks to the base of the compact red/orange
corner. Move left and finish up Cindy. FFA David Jupp, Tim Marsh & Michael
Homfray 16.11.02
37] Pike Direct 35m 21?
A direct finish up the compact red/orange corner and the arete above
has been top roped in the low 20’s (depending upon reach), however, both
rock and protection are poor. FTRA Tim Marsh, Michael Homfray 16.11.02
38] Cindy 35m 14
Well protected moderate slab climbing with an entertaining finish. The
short chimney crack to a dog leg crack three meters left of Pike.
Take the ramp up right to the base of the shallow orange corner at the
apex of the wall which is passed on the right. FFA David Jupp, Tim Marsh
39] Elver 30m 9
Two meters left of Cindy is a broken chimney which splits the
slab in half. Start 1-2m left of this chimney (5m left of Cindy) and
follow the cracks in the slab before weaving through the tufts of grass
above. A tricky start with minimal gear quickly gives way to very easily
protected if occasionally mossy climbing. FFA David Jupp, Michael Homfray
& Tim Marsh 17.11.02.
SKULL CAVE: Sector 8 
Excellent bouldering cave located inside perched boulder.
You can traverse the entire roof in one pumpy problem. It is located 50m
directly north from the entrance of the Marianas Trench.
This is the original Gallery in the Victoria Range, not to
be confused with the Buandik Gallery two kilometres further south. This
Red Rock Gallery was named with art in mind, whereas with Buandik Gallery
it was peanuts! A few hundred metres up the N side of Red Rock Creek from
Red Rock Road are a collection of chossy pinnacles. The highest and E-most
pinnacle has a long, overhanging north wall. Walk up the N side of the
creek, around the E side of the pinnacles, and up the gully behind.
40] Art For Art’s Sake 35m 21
Start from a cave passing R through the pinnacles. Slippery finger
jamming in the striking diagonal flare, followed by easier but loose
climbing to a dramatic finish. FFA Mike Law, Chris Baxter 2.12.1989.
Further Reading: 
Red Rocks - More pics and notes from Neil's web site.
Selected Climbs - Guide book authored by Simon Mentz and Glenn Tempest
and available from local climbing shops or the VCC.
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