Above & Middle: Will Monks tags the dyno on Mirage
(27). Above Right: Victory Whipper.

Above Left & Middle: Neil Monteith takes a whip off Mirage (27). Above
Right: Will Monks leading up Mirage (27).

Above Left & Middle: Will Monks on Mirage

Above: Jacqui Middleton leading The Invisible Fist
of Professor Hiddich Smiddich (26).

Above Left: Adam rests up on Mr Joshua (25)
Video Clips  |
Invisible Fist (9
Meg, 3 mins OR
QuickTime Version
5.1 Meg, 3 mins)
Jacqui Middleton leading The Invisible Fist of
Professor Hiddich Smiddich (26) at the jewel of the Grampians, Taipan
Wall. The scary traverse out right and back left to tag the finish is
well above the last bolt. Video shot from two angles, including above and behind via an
overhanging abseil. Video by Michael Boniwell. Superb editing by Neil
Monteith. |
Member's Contributions 
Photos By Andrew Connolly

Above: Andrew leading the start of the third pitch
(24) of World Party (27). The route goes straight up the water groove
after the roof. The groove itself is still overhung by 10-15 degrees. Tim
Fahey belaying.
Photos By Neil Monteith

Above Left: Malcolm nears the top of Serpentine.
Above Right: Nick McKinnon ticks the redpoint of
Professor Hidiech Smidich (26).

Above: Kent redpoints Invisable Fist (26),
Taipan Wall.

Above: Hannah Lockie... Jumaring the The Seventh
Pillar (18 M2). Above Middle & Right: Mark Kendrick on pitch one bolt
ladder of The Seventh Pillar (18 M2)

Above Left: Kent finally ticks Spurting Mildly (22)
at Spurt Wall. Above Right: Gareth crimps hard on This Spurting
Life (26), Spurt Wall.

Above: Kent enters the crux
sequence of Mr Joshua (25), Taipan Wall.

Above Left: Ben Cossey on Snake Flake (26), Taipan Wall.
Above Middle: Malcolm on Mr Joshua (25) Taipan Wall. Above
Right: Adam Demmert - World Party Pitch 3 (24)

Above: Jake Bresnehan on the very tough link-up of Tyranny into
Lifestyling (31), Spurt Wall, Grampians.

Above Left & Middle: Justin Jefferson on Venom (28). Above Right:
Lee Skidmore on Venom (28).

Above Left: Mark Landers on
Venom (28). Above Middle: Mark Landers on Snake Flake. Above Right:
Lee Skidmore on Spurt Wall Traverse.
Photos Michelle Mullenger

Above Left: Kent Paterson onsights pitch 1 of The
Seventh Bananna (23), Taipan Wall. Above Right: Neil Monteith ticks
pitch 2 of World Party (27).
Photos By Phil Neville

Above: Pete on his redpoint attempt on tyranny (29),
Spurt Wall.
Photo by Claire Bear

Above: Dave Jones on Venom (28) which takes the
right side of the water groove.
Photos By Vic Vic Deijkers

Above: 16 year old Tim sussing out the beta for Rage
very quickly.
Photos By Mark Landers

Above: Neil Monteith on Splutter
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