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Reviews by climbers, for climbers! This resource needs YOUR input. Please take the time to review the climbing books and movies you're familiar with. If the media is not below, just add it.
A Summer in the Southern Alps - Vaughan and the RMIT crew take on various peaks in NZ.
Climb - (Doco) America's top rock climbers in Hueco Tanks, The Diamond, Tennesse Wall, etc.
Contact - (Doco) Bouldering at New Zealand's Castle Hill
Dosage (Volume 1) - (Doco) High-end sport climbing & bouldering
Front Range Freaks - (Doco) A varied film following some of Colorados top climbers.
Hard Grit - (Doco) British climbing the gritstone edges of the Pennines
Hard Way To The Top, The - (Doco) Mt Buffalo granite aid climbs, Ozymandias and Lord Gum Tree
Harder Than Everest - (Doco) Aussies and Americans tag the 2nd ascent of Gasherbrum IV
Masters of Stone 4 - Pure Force - (Doco) Climbing & BASE jumping in Yosemite, California, Spain, etc.
Masters Of Stone 5 - (Doco) Speed-Soloing, High-Ball Bouldering, Female Freesoloing, Blind Crack Climbing, Slacklining, Rope Freefalling
Painted Spider - (Doco) Rock climbing in the 90s. Long free routes, sport climbing, competetion climbing, bouldering, soloing.
Pitch Sorbet - (Doco) Short film on Ice Climbing from Petzl Charlet Moser
Rampage - (Doco) Follow Sharma, Carrion and friends on an outrageous two month bouldering spree .
Rock: The Soul of the Climbing Experience - (Doco) Rock & Ice climbing and bouldering in America, Italy, France, Germany and Slovakia
Salathe - Blood Sweat And Bagels - (Doco) Free Climbing The Salathe Wall on El Capital, Yosemite.
Splitter - An Apline Rockumentary. Shipton Spire, Lotus Flower Tower, Cerro Poincenot.
Stick It - (Doco) Shows the UK bouldering scene.
The Locals - Bouldering Across Europe
123 of 178 books, 127 of 203 movies reviewed. 564 total reviews.
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