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Ron Kauk
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Reviews by climbers, for climbers! This resource needs YOUR input. Please take the time to review the climbing books and movies you're familiar with. If the media is not below, just add it.
VD |
Masters Of Stone - (Doco) Climbing in Smith Rock, Yosemite Valley, American Fork, Tuolumne Meadows
VD |
Masters Of Stone 2 - Hard Rock - (Doco) Hard climbing in Yosemite, The Needles, Mt. Charleston, Joshua Tree, Rifle, Lake Tahoe, and Baja, Mexico
VD |
Masters Of Stone 3 - Third Stone From The Sun - (Doco) 5.14c redpoints in France, boulder at Hueco Tanks and Yosemite
VD |
Masters of Stone 4 - Pure Force - (Doco) Climbing & BASE jumping in Yosemite, California, Spain, etc.
VD |
Painted Spider - (Doco) Rock climbing in the 90s. Long free routes, sport climbing, competetion climbing, bouldering, soloing.
DV |
Yosemite: Ascending Rhythm - (Doco) Climbers in Yosemite
VD |
Art Of Leading, The - (Doco) Describes strategies for safe and successful multi-pitch rock climbing
123 of 178 books, 127 of 203 movies reviewed. 564 total reviews.
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