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Climb International (Doco) Climbing in Southeast Asia from China to Thailand
Format |
Category |
Title |
Climb International |
Mins |
30 |
Starring |
Todd Skinner |
$40.00 AUD |
Director |
Michael Strassman |
Reviews |
2 |
Edition |
Ave Rating |
  (3.00 of 5) |
User |
Comments |
Interesting for the exotic locations, especially China. Lacking in climbing excitement however. |
richie cunningham
the quality of footage on this film is poor. The film goes through some annoying 80's visual effects. Almost silhouetting the film.
The climbing is cool though. Weird locations and todd skinners trademark move " A lunge of a one finger pocket !!" save the film. Moon hill and thailand are basically the only worthwhile footage... but even thats disputable !!
Seeing danny ng's home turf of hong kong explains his fondness of 3 bolt routes. Some quality footage of danny may have bumped this lacklustre affair into 4 star territory.... |
Further Reading:
Just Push Play - Details, purchasing, etc.
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