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Climbing Books Reviewed
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Advanced Rock Climbing
How to Rock Climb Series

Format Book Category Instructional
Title Advanced Rock Climbing  Pages 244 
Author John Long  RRP $20.00 AUD 
Publisher Chockstone Press  Reviews
Edition (August 1997)  Ave Rating **** (4.00 of 5)


User Comments

Yet another great instructional book from John Long and Crew. The photos are clear and show techniques for real life situations. The text is well written and concise. I found it to be entertaining and informative and reckon that it is an invaluable resource for any climber.

Excellent instructional book from John Long and Craig Luebben, which won a Banff Mountain Book Festival Award.

In addition to climbaus review I would add the following;
Although it is titled 'advanced' it really covers the whole spectrum of climbing, from basics through intermediate to adventure climbing, relaxing the mind, self rescue techniques then training, at a level that is practical to read AND apply. It is not so advanced that a beginner could not benefit from it, nor an advanced climber waste their time by reading it!

Its the kind of book that can be picked up and perused before or after a climbing day and the information contained re-digested for further refinement. It draws you in, because even if you figure 'I already know that', you find yourself reading on and analysing outcomes in the light of its information. (Well I do anyway!).
It has a wealth of nuance* within it and sufficient anecdotes to keep the interest up. (*For the price it pays for itself many times over by the efficiency you will gain from its tips).

I only knocked off a half star because it necessarily covers aid and solo climbing in lightweight detail to remain true to its objective 'advanced climbing' as opposed to 'specialised climbing. (The 'How to rockclimb series' has other books specifically on such specialised topics).

No matter your skill level I recommend it, because its up to date and very 'meaty' in content. In fact if someone were to ask me which book to buy if they could only get one (of the many available) climbing instructional genre; then this is definitely it!

Further Reading:
Amazon - Details on purchasing, reviews, etc.


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