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17 Down Under:
17 DOWN UNDER. "A celebration of moderate grade climbing in Victoria". 184 pages. 285 images. Father & son team, Steve & John Morris, embark on a journey to climb and photograph 50 of the best rock climbs in Victoria, grade 17 & under. Inc bookmark $50.00
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The Spray Climbing road trip in Northern California
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The Spray as a title evokes images in my mind of a bunch of guys sitting
around the camp fire talking shit. It actually refers to climbing by the
ocean.... Oh well.
The film follows five climbers around a summer road trip. Oh wow,
novel. They boulder and sport climb in places of terrific natural beauty
and aesthetic. The settings make this movie well worth watching. I
found myself inspired by it much to my surprise given my natural bias
against sport climbing and sport climbing film.
The good: The locations and the climbing are fantastic. Beautiful spots
isolated and undeveloped. Crushing climbing by Joe and Chris. Stunning
inspiring lines. Cinematography and editing that allows you see and
analyse the movement of the climbers.
The bad: Stereotypical sport climbing shooting. Obviously cobbled
together edits of multiple ascents for the "red point." Not enough film of
the climbers working routes/problems and failing.
The ugly: Man like mute the umm... talking. Yea the talking is like you
know like gnarly bad, yea. Unless you are a sport climber the dialog
sections are going to make you dumber. I found it painful to listen to
these climbers try to come to grips with verbally the stunning majesty
and beauty of the locations they were shooting in. They are of the
generation following in Sharma''s foot steps. Left school early, have
known only climbing their entire lives. They climb so well and so
beautifully, would it hurt them to pick up a book.
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