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A Colorado Daydream This Film profiles the balancing act of 'real life' vs. climbing. Filmed in some of the best scenery the Rocky Mountains have to offer, and featuring problems that are both aesthetic and difficult.
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Colorado Dreaming...... Somebodies Dreaming
I liked it better the first time I saw it in Natimuk, I think now it was more the euphoria of being at Araps combined with my first real meal for a couple of days that made it appealing. Having now watched it again I can say the concept fails.
For a film that was two and a half years in the making one would hope their ideas were firmly cemented. The problems become obvious when climbers start to try and 'act' saying somewhat scripted lines.
The portayal of the climbers lives is more of a detrement to the movie and sends it spiralling into nothingness, as you gain no real concept of whom these people really are, hence I feel that footage is worthless.
There are some cheesey post production graphics in a couple of the climbs, this is to edit out unwanted people in the veiwing, ie can't be bothered to reshoot just insert some graphics, which is bizarre as the dir commentry suggests that thes guys and gals were sending problems too quick for them.
The problems being sent are pretty damn good, so that is the 3 1/2 stars.
Not one you will watch to get motivated nor one you can watch time and again.
Cost $ 40.00 @ Cliffhanger
alternative: go to JB with your forty dollars and layby The Complete Fawlty Towers series, you will thank me after you have seen it.


Too techie in approach to filming and post-production. An almightily annoying soundtrack to boot. A pity, because some of the problems, including the crazy highball were interesting in their own right. |
Perfect combo of excellent climbers & problems! |
After hearing mixed reviews, I was skeptical to see A Colorado Daydream, however I just saw it a couple nights ago for the first time, and I must say I am thoroughly impressed. I can honestly say that this vid is by far the best climbing vid that I have ever seen.
A Colorado Daydream was no daydream at all. I thought
it very accurately captured the struggle in balancing
things that society dictates are essential in order to
be successful in life (i.e. school and work) and this
addictive sport we call climbing. Just as any addict,
I sometimes believe it to be impossible that someone
could actually understand my love for climbing, but
this film definatley made it evident that I am not the
only person who is a phene for this sport. In that way
it provided me comfort to see that I am not the only
person who struggles between balancing my love for
climbing with every other activity in my life.
In terms of the direction, not only did the film
precisly portray the beauty of the Rocky Mountains,
but it also displayed impressively strong climbers,
some of who are very young, sending problems that many
climbers could not even begin to touch. The amazing
climbers in combination with the scenery and the music
were all reason why this video was very reminisent of
my days in Colorado, as well as reflective of my
overall attitude in regards to climbing.
There are plenty of bad climbing films out there and this is not one of them. Quality Good! |

I saw it screened in Natimuk, like Tel, and wasn't particularly impressed. The whole 'daydream' setup seemed really contrived, special effects were really overused (from the fillers inbetween climbing/ real life shots, to the way the bouldering shots were cut together, so that you were just screaming for them to actually show at least a few seconds of continouous ascent of the problem), and I found the soundtrack was over the top and intrusive. Simon Mentz's Rams to the Slaughter was screened at the same time - it might not have had the same audio-visual quality, but it was a much better watch. |

The movie is dull, it kind of reminded my of crap. And why is it the only good reviews are "anynomous". I wonder if it is Jamie trying to spray about himself again. Poor guy. |
Why anyone would want to watch people bouldering on routes done a million times by every dork in colorado is beyond me.
I think climbing videos should either showcase the current progression of climbing by the top guys or the new or obscure areas that most climbers haven''t heard of. Trying to have a storyline in a video about climbing is also lame. But you can''t expect much from Rad-O. |
Further Reading:
A Colorado Daydream: Once Around The Sun - Click here to check out the trailer and much more!
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