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Rock Climbing In Australia Stunning coffee table book of photographs
Format |
Category |
Title |
Rock Climbing In Australia |
Pages |
176 |
Author |
Simon Carter |
$50.00 AUD |
Publisher |
New Holland/Struik |
Reviews |
3 |
Edition |
Hardback (March 2000) |
Ave Rating |
    (4.50 of 5) |
User |
Comments |

I was given this amazing book as a birthday present a few years ago. As you can imagine it sure beat the heck out of the usual socks & jocks. Put simply, this outstanding hardback is the best climbing photography book I've ever seen. There are stunning shots from all the major Australian climbing destinations, depicting climbers on way hard routes as well as a few that us mortals might actually be able to struggle up. It's truely inspiring to view. Makes you want to hit the crags.
There is also a sizable forward and text introducing each area, so it's not all just pics, but something worth reading as well. The only dower for some might be the price, but lets face it, the amount of time and effort that went into this production must have been daunting. Value for money I say. |
Outstanding. If only there were more photos. |

Its a very high standard book, and its Australian to boot!; which brings to my mind why does it cost so much??
I enjoyed the variety and the unusual angles at many of the locations.
Bungonia and the Totem Pole are simply stunning.
I was a bit disappointed with the Warrumbungles photos though, as generally speaking I do not think it did that location justice, ... hence knocking off a half star for its rating (with such surreal topography as the 'bungles how could one not take some stellar pics of it)?
(geez, am I nitpicky or what...?) |
Further Reading:
Onsight Photography - Page on Simon Carters web site
Rock Magazine - Review
Amazon - Details of purchase, reviews, etc.
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