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Mad Rock: Mad Rock "Bottle Nose" Quick Draw. This is one nice looking quick-draw. Top Straight gate is BLACK body/yellow gate. Bottom Bent gate is YELLOW body/black gate. Both karabiners are 24 9 9 kN. 150cm (6") black NYLON dog bone (22kN). Awesome value IMO.   $24.00
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Climbing Media Reviewed
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Sheer Will
The Awe Inspiring Climbs of Mike Groom. Includes 73 colour photos.

Format Book  (Australian) Category Narratives
Title Sheer Will  Pages 331 
Author Mike Groom  RRP  
Publisher Random House USA Inc  Reviews
Edition Hardcover 1997  Ave Rating ***** (5.00 of 5)


User Comments

Awesome! The first mountaineering book I ever read. After several reads it does'nt lose anything. The story is told with openness and in a style that makes you feel as though it was being TOLD to you instead of reading it. Certainly inspirational reading. 
I felt like I was there! I could not put this book down.
Michael describes everything with passion, knowledge and humility.
I will never get to the summits that Michael has been to, but this book helped me see what it would have been like. 

Michael Groom encompasses everything about courage and determination. His ability to share his experiences in such vivid detail, taking the reader with him up every mountain and over every rock, is truly breathtaking. I have not met anyone that has read this book and not been blown away by Michael's experiences and how he overcome adversity in the ultimate fashion. "Sheer Will"? Sheer brilliance. 
What can I say.......just an awsome book 
Sheer Will is the best book i've ever read. Good on you Michael Groom. You are my real inspiration!!!!!!!!!! My advise: i want you to write on more book. It doesnt have to be about mountaineering just write it :) cheers. student from John Paul College QLD 
great book, i've read lots of everest books and he's one of the best climbers in the world, Mike is probably Australia's best ever climber, the only Australian that may have been as good was Tim Macartney- Snape. The book and his acheivements are truly outstanding, i' ve read it twice and i want to read it again. 

Further Reading:
Amazon - Details, Purchasing, Reviews, etc.


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