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Climbing Videos Reviewed
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Base Climb 2: Defying Gravity
(Doco) Husband and wife climb and base jump the highest cliff in the world

Format Video  (Australian) Category Non-Fiction
Title Base Climb 2: Defying Gravity  Mins 55 
Starring Dr Glenn Singleman, Heather Singleman  RRP $110.00 AUD 
Director Dr Glenn Singleman  Reviews
Edition   Ave Rating * (1.00 of 5)


User Comments

This production is a much weaker film compared to the original Base Climb. This features Heather Singleman, the wife of original Base Climb team member Glenn, and her 'journey' to attempt the highest altitude base jump in the world. This is more a 'made for TV' affair, with plenty of tears, drama and 'inspirational' moments. By the end of this drawn out doco I wanted the support team members to push Heather off the top of the mountain! Her constant crying, tantrums and the like annoyed me greatly. There are some good shots but the production value is way down on the original film - this one is shot on videotape. Money seemed to be thrown around for this trip. One minute they are bungee jumping in NZ, Australia for skydiving, then its off to the US for some base jumping, Italy for some more base jumping then finally two trips to Pakistan. The film financers must have been stripped bare! Of course one of the biggest let downs is the fact that she didn't actually jump from the mountain because of 'unstable snow'. I sensed a great lack of honest risk taking compared to the original film. 

Did the wife get dragged along into this story or did she drag herself? Either way she doesn't belong in the extreme sport environment. Neil is correct, this one's painful to watch.

Think of your worst weekend adventuring with the spouse, where she's loud, whiny, and needy. Now multiply that by ten. Hell, multiply it by a hundred and you get close to the main dynamic of this story. Shocking. 

The wife tantrums ....yeah really annoying. 

Further Reading:
ABC - Details, purchasing, from the ABC bookshop.
Base Climb - The creators web site.


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