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Mad Rock: Mad Rock "Bottle Nose" Quick Draw. This is one nice looking quick-draw. Top Straight gate is BLACK body/yellow gate. Bottom Bent gate is YELLOW body/black gate. Both karabiners are 24 9 9 kN. 150cm (6") black NYLON dog bone (22kN). Awesome value IMO.   $24.00
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Climbing Media Reviewed
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Left For Dead
Beck Weather's extraordinary story about his survival from the 1996 Mt Everest tragedy

Format Book Category Narratives
Title Left For Dead  Pages 344 
Author Beck Weathers  RRP  
Publisher Dell Pub Co  Reviews
Edition 2001  Ave Rating * (1.00 of 5)


User Comments
If it's climbing adventure you want this is not the book for you. I've read 4 books on the 1996 disaster in total and this was the worst by far.
The book is more a cathartic outpouring of how it saved his marriage, rather than any indepth insight into what went on on Everest. 
It isn't worth the half star vote. It was more about his marriage and his constant whining more than anything else. I have read all Everest books related to the tragedy in 1996 and this one is awful. 
Mad Dog
I didn't think it was as bad as the other two reviewers did. There was no need for Beck to try to write Into Thin Air II. It was troubling that he recanted his previous assertation that he'd asked for Krakauer's help in descending from the balcony. Regardless, I thought it was an interesting perspective on Everest '96 and the photos were sobering. 
I have to agree with the reviewers panning this awful book. Why did he write this? As the cathartic release suggested by a previous reviewer? To show his family he had changed. Good for you Beck - do what you have to do - but not on my dime. This is a whiny...damn I have to say it...stupid book with no merit at all (but for the chuckles my wife and I got from reading the horrendous text!). 

not even half a star, i couldn't even finish this book. it rambled on forever about his depression and marraige and flipped between members of his family writing, in the end i just gave up. 

Further Reading:
Amazon - Details, purchasing, reviews, etc.


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