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Topic Date User
Posts 25-May-2005 At 12:23:57 PM Onsight
On 23/05/2005 nmonteith wrote:
>... My view is that what people write on Chockstone
>should be kept. If you are silly enough to not think and post something
>that will embaress you in the future then you will have live with it. For
>me it is the same as writing a letter into Rock magazine. It will be imortalized
>in print for future reference.

I agree entirely. When what you write for the public domain is published in the public domain — then you are responsible for what you write — and you live with it. Hell, I’ve had sections (selections) of my business correspondence extracted and published out of context in a magazine’s letters to the editor and also as “news” without my permission, but at least when you post to the forum you know it’s being published.

The forum is more conversational, and people reply more quickly, but I don’t see why it should be so fundamentally different as far as responsibility is concerned. Sure, if we go down this route then some time lapse before things get set in stone would help when people have been really hasty or reconsider their position a bit, or want to fix up some bad grandma, but if there’s also access to moderators whom they can also approach on important occasions then I don’t see a big problem.

I wonder if a positive spin-off from that would be fewer completely inane, irrelevant, and utter drivel posts? If so then I think that would be a good thing – assuming however it wouldn’t also reduce the amount of genuine humour and brilliant flashes of creativity and originality that we’ve seen.

Furthermore, we’ve had people on this forum hiding under aliases (quite a lot actually!). I don’t mind aliases as such, there’s been a lot of good humour and insights coming from a few of them, but occasionally people have used aliases as a cover for launching outright personal attacks and insults. Sometimes the person’s real name has subsequently come to light. Now the notion that someone can use an alias, make personal attacks on others, and then delete their posts should they get found out, isn’t something that I think should be possible.

Also if a moderator has reason to delete something that is potentially defamatory or threatening in nature then I think a copy of that should be saved somewhere.

There are 48 replies to this topic.


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