whats all this about lockwood bein a chick? clearly he's not. and kez is quite right about the posture thing. many climbers experiance less then perfect posture, due to certain muscle groups being out of proportion to others. in lockwoods case, the upper body strength developed from climbing adds strain to his lumbar region, resulting in an overcompinsation coming from his lattisimus, and especially his irrector spinae, which runs the length of your back. the bad posture can be helped ( not gotten rid of) by working your other muscle groups such as exterior obliques, serratus posterior, etc. there are 3 main groups of muscles in the lower back that you should be concerned with, the extensor muscles which are attatched to the posterior part of the back, enabling standing and lifting actions; the Flexors, which attatch to the anterior spine, enabling flexing, bending forward, lifting and arching the lower back (these are your abdominal muscles); and finally your oblique muscles, attatching to the sides of the spine, enabling twisting motions. if you work the 3 main groups of muscles in the back evenly, you will increase your cumfort, and semi-correct your posture issue. |