On 3/06/2005 climbingjac wrote:
>Nah, from experience I've discovered complete and utter rest (preferably
>accompanied by lots of Maltesers) is rewarded by improvement upon your
>return to the walls :-)
suit yourself, thats what i was taught in Physical Education. i think it depends on how long you're out of action. if your out for a few months, you'd want to do something otherwise you will notice that you are out of shape when you get back on the rocks. if you completley stop using your muscles for a few months, you muscles will experience atrophy(muscle deterioration) which is the opposite of hypertropyh(muscle growth during training/exercise). If its only for a week or so, its not that important to keep exercising the rest of your body.
i find that living away from the rock at boarding school, which is the same as having an injury, (basically the point is i cant climb), that is i have to do weights to keep my body in shape so that when i go home, which is usually after a few months, that i'm not totally out of shape and have to struggle to get up an 18, which i'd normally lead easily.
thats my two bob worth. |