looking for someone to second, swing leads if you want, a climb, cliff height, 150- 180m. probable grade 20, give or take 2 or 3, though probably not 17. possibly a bit of loose rock, so potentialy unsafe if your not fully focused on what your doing.
also, the line is slightly abstract in that there is a need to actualy climb it to see whats there. its a bit jumbly looking from the base, but fine to climb. can be viewed from a lookout about 1 km away.
im not realy concerned about your ability to lead, as im prepared to lead the whole thing. im not fussed on your climbing experience either; if you feel you can do the climb, then have a go. but i am not there to teach, and i dont offer words of encouragement. if you cant climb it, we bail.
no aiding on second unless you can do it reasonably efficiently and without weighting the anchors, this one is just a guideline, not a rule. just climb with the frame of mind that falling may not be the safest option.
brian |