Thanks for your 'inside' information...
I haven't been back for a at least a year, but some more info I've gleaned from sources:
The opening of the Toll gated area that would cover Moon hill, Wine bottle etc has stalled, prob won't be going ahead anytime soon.
BD climbing festival won't be on this year (see )
Most of the same people from Chinclimb are behind Insight Adventures.
The YAI webpage prob won't be updated anytime soon, one of the main people behind the movement has left China for good - but there are still a few good eggs round working hard to solve the access issues.
/Rumour:/ a friend who visited in late August this year got the impression that /all/ crags had lurkers asking for an access fee - just a rumour really, they are climbers, but this particular visit they didn't actually do any climbing (only biking & kayaking).
Funny - Last year, at Swiss Cheese, I pinched a banner that said 攀岩收费 - "climbing, pay a fee"... it will soon hang proudly over my yet to be built woody...
other stuff?... might remember more later |