The new routes established are directly the other side of the current slab routes on slightly overhanging conglomerate (belayer wear a helmet too). These routes face North and are hard to access. i will try and get the first ascensionist to put some photos and details on the crag.
There looks to be some potential for seacliff routes between Elizabeth Beach and Bulls Paddock (the top end of 7 mile beach). Access would be difficult from the ocean but there is a walking track between these two beaches so bush bashing and rapping in from the top could be an option.
Between Boomerang and Seal Rocks there is no climbing or cliffs as far as I know. The area is very sandy and there is no real outcropping of any sorts until the volcanic stuff at Bulahdelah. Cape Hawke further north to Forster may be the next best area to explore - I know there is an old quarry there so I assume the rock is solid.