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Big Hill access 4-Nov-2015 At 4:14:42 PM access t cliffcare
On 1/05/2015 kubepau wrote:
>I have a couple buddies eyeing off a day trip to Big Hill for some cruisy
>relaxed climbing.
>According to the article on here:
>"Please state clearly on your website that to go rock climbing on Big
>Hill in Longwood (near Euroa) is not allowed without permission!!! You
>state it is on private property, which is correct. I am getting extremely
>peeved by people driving on to my property and telling me they found the
>spot on your website."
>Damian Murphy
>General Manager
>But try as I might, I can't find a way to get in touch with Damian to
>gain said permission. Does anyone have some sort of contact details, or
>do you just have to go door knocking and cross your fingers that it's the
>right house?

Hi Kubepau,

Teneriffe and Big Hill have a complicated history with some access sections being private land and some being crown. Drop me an email at and I can pass on some contact details. I will also give Damien a call this week if I can, to revisit the issue and to clarify the situation.


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