Last weekend I was out at Cosmic county on Sunday enjoying a beautiful sunny winters day climb with a mate. It was a blustery day with the wind gusting strongly at times.
Around lunch time we decided to climb "Building a better mousetrap" and wandered over to be base of the route. There were 3 climbers sitting at the base having already climbed a route. We said hello and they started packing up, two of the party left and one guy was left to pack his bag. We put our packs down and at that point realised they had a lit a fire right at the base of the route we wanted to climb. No attempt had been made to contain the fire with a ring of rocks or similar, it was simply burning on the ground and in close proximity to a lot of very dry branches. My mate and I exchanged a surprised look but were frankly too stunned to say anything much - who lights a fire at a crag on a windy day at the base of route in such dry conditions? The 3rd member of the party picked up his bag and offered us some advice "be careful you don't fall in the fire, it's quite easy to slip off the start of the route" and with that headed off leaving the uncontained fire burning. We put the fire out as best we could, piled rocks on top of it so I could actually belay without the rope snaking through the burning embers and were then able to climb our route.
I'd just like to say a big thanks to these people for such inconsiderate and potentially dangerous actions.