Well, there were unfortunately a few misfired starts with various partners but we've finally completed the iCrag Blue Mountains - Selected Sport Climbs app. It's based on the iCrag Arapiles and iCrag Melbourne code climbers are familiar with.
We've included 500+ routes at the 10 most popular and accessible Blueys sport crags and are selling it at about $10. The price seems to change with the $AUS and at Apple's whim.
It is currently on iPhone (and iPod touch and works on iPads) but within a couple of weeks we expect to complete the Android version and make that available also. To find the iPhone version, do a search on the App Store under iCrag Blue Mountains or find it here...
There's been an enormous amount of work that has gone into this app with as per usual, bugger all financial payback expected so we hope people like it. It gives us a buzz to hear stories of how much the apps are enjoyed. As with all the apps we have done, these are live things and we are happy for feedback that allows us to update and improve them with the latest info. Updates are provided for free to those who have purchased the app, of course.