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Road/Trk report for Grampians 23rd March 2012 1-May-2013 At 1:44:23 PM Access T CliffCare
Hi Steve,

Just noticed your post. Can't give you any real solid info at this stage obviously but I will make some enquiries as it recently came up in conversation with PV staff re the wallabies. I do know that unfortunately they are not doing so well for a variety of reasons. As far as how long do they need to breed - a long enough time I suppose that shows they are doing well. Reintroduction is not an exact science and while you think that you might be very careful and do everything right not to disturb them or impact their site, you are not the only one by a long shot that would access the area. And numbers always make a difference. Some of the stories and events I hear that park users get up to really makes the mind boggle. Perhaps it might be something that can be worked around and I will look into it, but I would really hope that climbers as well as other park users would allow the creatures the biggest chance they could. Considering the fact that the wallabies have such a small area to themselves whereas we have quite a few areas at our disposal to partake of our leisure activities.

Could be a variety of reasons for many of the things you are mentioning re signs and gates. Along with the option of the signage not necessarily being well thought out, there is also the option (and this happens quite a bit) of signs being removed by park users. Evidence of people going in there could also mean that people are ignoring the closures be driving around the gate(and we all know that happens heaps!) breaking the gate lock(happens heaps). Lots of park users - not just climbers - have no regard and will visit the area if that is where they want to go. To be honest, I know of a few areas that climbers will go to doing exactly as described above. One gate being put there especially as a resolve/compromise for climbers being able to access the area. Unfortunately just because a gate is open, doesn't mean it actually is or has been done so by PV. Often a sign on it though (if not already removed)

Agree with more info needing to be updated on the CliffCare site. I am getting to it bit by bit but with older access stuff it is an especially labour intensive job that also depends on getting updated info from other people. Long process. Things drop off the radar and disappear into the cyberworld. Will take this all on board as always looking at ways of making the information more easily accessible so that the CliffCare site becomes a go to place for up to date access info. We are working on it Steve - it just takes time.

Sorry, I ranted a bit there also offloading a few frustrating issues. All good though.
Vic Range fire climbing reopenings are the issue at hand at the moment and taking up a bit of time. More on this soon.
I will put this on my list along with a couple more possible access issues to revisit.

Cheers and of course, smiles :)

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