Bit of a late report, but here we are: The working bee on Saturday 15th December went very well. Starting at 9am a total of 22 volunteers turned up through out the day, to completely strip walls 2 and 3, and partially strip wall 1 of its oldest routes. Holds were crated and taken up to the park tap for washing, with Tristan Wardley doing a great job on the jet hose.
Fortunately the sun came out which helped with drying the holds.
Toby Pola had gathered a group of setters, and they started putting up new routes from mid morning.
Route setting Wall #2.
Phil Goebel brought along a set of new holds donated by Hardrock Climbing Gym, which were gratefully received and used for a new problem on the right side of wall #3.
Route setting Wall #3.
By late afternoon there were half a dozen routes back on each of the walls. More to be added in the coming weeks. A big thanks to all the volunteers who gave their time, and made it a very successful working bee. We now have some new and Clean routes (for a while!).
Ben |