Mike that's unkind. Granted its nowhere near the quality of BBB or the Mirrorball but it does have a certain antique charm. On a par with Sweet Dreams though far less of a crowd.
I don't think it is a good time of year to do it though, probably better in early summer.
I remember walking round the track at the cliff base from Pierces Pass , below the Rigby hill cliffline; you walk a bit beyond the climb. It has a really obvious 3rd pitch: R facing corner about 50m high. The 2 pitches up to the corner are a bit loose but not very hard. The corner is 15 or so. There is a bit of jungle to get through after that then 2 easy but nicely exposed pitches as you go diagonally up the right wall to the valley rim!
If you approach it as a junior mountaineering expedition rather than a multi pitch sport route you will find it more enjoyable.