On 12/05/2010 Wendy wrote:
>On 12/05/2010 Miguel75 wrote:
>>>The US has a gun-related death rate 4 times higher than ours. I wonder
>>Could it be they have a population almost 15 times ours?
>The rate is calulated per capita. It's way out of proportion to any comparble
>country. I think Michael Moore compared it to Canada on the ground that
>Canada also had a high rate of gun ownership, and Canada still has a much
>lower rate.
Moore really hit it on the head on that film. They live in fear - it's an undercurrent in the culture that will not go away easy. Fear of each other, fear of losing their job (and health insurance) so they fight each other. I'm so glad I got out.
and oh to get back on topic, if I was gonna pick between Red Rocks and Red River Gorge for short steep sport, RRG wins (having climbed both.)