I am just looking for a few good shots to fill a hole or two in the Arapiles section of our guide.
If anyone has good stuff we can use for the following areas I'd appreciate it if you could get in touch by sending me a few low res pics. We're looking for good action pics of:
Guilt Edged (18**) in Cobwebs Gully (or Astral Plane or Cobwebs)
Good shots of Moby Dick (Central Gully left) or Golden Fleece, or other routes in that area.
Entertainer/Comic Relief/Cliffhanger/Upper curtain wall
and good overview shots of the following areas so we can turn them into topos:
Lower yesterday gully (Snow Blind / In Lemon Butter area)
Kachoong / High Dive Gully area (a wide angle lens would be handy here)
If I can't find them I should be up Arapiles way again shortly, but just thought I'd put it out there.
We look forward to hearing from you.
The Rockmaster team
josef jgoding@aanet.com.au
and Kevin & Jarrod