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Chockstone Forum - General Discussion

General Climbing Discussion

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34? 4-Apr-2004 At 11:25:01 PM Onsight
A5 - Please don't get me wrong; I'm in strong agreement with quite a lot of what you're saying there actually. There's just a few points:

On 2/04/2004 A5iswhereitsat wrote:
>I'm just giving credit where it is due.
Believe me, I'm all for giving credit where credit is due too (I try to do my bit there actually). But what if you're giving credit where it perhaps isn't entirely due? Or do you just think it doesn’t matter because it has no impact on anything or anyone else?

On 1/04/2004 rodw wrote:
>so I guess its 34, so stays 34....

On 2/04/2004 A5iswhereitsat wrote:
>34 is awsome no matter the subsequent

So it's a free for all now? I'm not going to agree with that.

Also, I think some of you really should start asking why it is that you think the route is "34". It seems to be an important part of your argument. So why do you think that? This is a really interesting point everyone (can lead a horse to water but...).

Anyway, I'm not sure if you guys missed what I said in my earlier posts, but the simple fact of the matter is that if it the holds hadn't been hammered off then the route would be significantly easier for most climbers (three climbers who have attempted the route, and are (or at least were) perfectly capable of climbing it, have told me so themselves...). From what I have been told it seems almost certain that the route would have been DOWNGRADED (if it wasn't for the subsequent "chipping"). By the way, I simply would not write this on a public forum it I didn't have very good basis for believing this to be true.


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