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OT: Moorabal/Lal Lal wind farm 28-Aug-2009 At 8:29:17 AM evanbb
On 26/08/2009 pete05 wrote:
>Evan, your assesment of much of what i have said is totally incorrect.
>If you dont think the MRET is a subsidy, then what is it?
Look up what a subsidy actually is. Read my comments about how MRET works and how it doesn't favour wind farms but encourages renewables in general.
>You claim that power consumption has increased, yes this may be true,
Not a claim. It is true. Indisputable.

>but we are also told that wind farm will STOP emmisions from coal, this
>is simply a lie.
Well, we could play semantics with this all day. If the farm wasn't built, more fossil fuels would have been burnt. Take that as you like.

>Wind farms are not in the public interest, unless you happen to be a union
>super fund recipient or developer making money from the subsidy.
That's outrageous polemic. They generate low Co2 power. If you buy the whole AGW argument, then this is a good thing.

>Could you also let me know why the consumer should pay for REC's that
>are generated at night, when power usage is at a minimum. The producers
>still gets paid the same amound, shouldnt they be subject to spot market
>pricing? why a special deal for wind?
It's not a special deal for wind; it applies to all renewables. Do you have any idea how complex it would be to have tradable certificates with variable value?
>Why has no cost/benefit study been done by government? are they scared
>of the result?
It was done when the MRET was suggested, but I suspect these documents will be Cabinet-In-Confidence. In any case, Garnaut recommended against an MRET because it distorts the market. I don't think it's a great mechanism, but with such a weak CPRS it's probably necessary.
>The wind industry is a highly subsidised con on the consumers of Australia,
>even those paying for green power are not getting what they pay for.

This last sentence is utter bullshit. For all the reasons I've stated previously.

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