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Chockstone Forum - General Discussion

General Climbing Discussion

Poll Option Votes Graph
Yes, Frog needs bolted anchors 55
No, let's stick with the trees 2
We can all walk off 7

Topic Date User
Isn't it time Frog joined the modern world? 13-Aug-2009 At 9:10:47 AM evanbb
I mostly agree with this sentiment. I've never bought the 'no bolted anchors what so ever' argument. Take Ben Nevis for example; having no bolts there was part of a worthy wilderness ethic in an effort to preserve the place. But, and outcome of that is that people now walk off the top of the cliff rather than being lowered. The environment on cliff tops is generally in shallow soil and a pretty harsh environment. So, the choice is between bolts at the top of a climb or walking off. Arguably walking off causes more damage. Neither option is perfect, but in some cases bolted anchors are the least worst option.

Haven't been to Frog, but there are similar things at work in the Wolgan. Some of the trees in good positions get an absolute thrashing and may get loved to death, instead of some bolted anchors. It's obviously not an objective law that cna be applied everywhere, but if environmental protection is part of the concern, bolted anchors and rap stations should definitely be considered.

And I've ignored the safety argument.

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