So what do all of these graphs mean to me? If you pick parts of the available data you can prove anything. As they say, there are “Lies, damned lies, and statistics”
Me, I leave my climate sciences to the climate scientists, I'm either too dumb to read ALL of the data or smart enough to know that I wouldn't understand it if I did.
So this this leaves me as the sucker in the conspiracy theories of global warming, but who is perpetrating them & why. The why has to be money it makes the world go round. The argument that its the researcher touting for grants does not hold up, as surely "big business" has a lot more money, hence a lot more of it to loose.
Behind every good argument there is usually a grain of truth. does AGW exist? the "General" scientific consensus seems to be quite probable. Do we fully understand the science & the sverity of the effects behind it ? No!
Me? I'm a trusting soul, I recycle & compost my waste, turn off the light when I leave the room & use public transport (except when going to Arapiles). If there's a chance of AGW happening a little effort now will save a lot of pain later