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Chockstone Forum - General Discussion

General Climbing Discussion

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climbing photo tips 22-Feb-2004 At 4:47:12 PM Onsight
On 21/02/2004 Mighty Mouse wrote:
>another quick question for ya Simon (or anyone with the camera knowhow)
>when you're shooting on velvia 50, what do you push the camera asa setting
>to, and how many stops do you push on the enlarger?
>also, what do you think of fujichrome provia 100f? worth a go?

Good workshop question.

Think I might have touched on this in the photography Q's and A's that's on my website (mentioned in the Photo Demo thread). Try:

Anyway, I rate Velvia at 40 ASA since, as you infer, there is no way it is a true 50 ASA film. Some might even rate it at 32 (and I don't mean downgrade it to 32...).

Not sure what you are referring to with the enlarger. I don’t use an enlarger anymore (thank god – having spend two years working in darkrooms…). Since Velvia is a slide film, and I don’t make prints myself, I don’t see the problem. The key thing is to get a correctly exposed slide and then you can go from there (for printing, scanning or whatever). Learn how to use the camera in manual, and perhaps try learning spot-metering, if you are having problems with your exposures.

I have used Provia 100 on occasion. Not nearly as saturated as Velvia, so I don’t use it much (unless the scene is running the risk of becoming too saturated). Often I push process Velvia one stop (rate it 80 ASA and have the lab "push" it one stop) which adds some grain but colours are still good.

Just recently a 100 ASA version of Velvia was released and this would be worth a try. I’ve used it a bit and it appears to be a “true” 100 ASA film. The saturation is better than Provia but not as good as normal Velvia.


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