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Chockstone Forum - General Discussion

General Climbing Discussion

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Photography Demo 22-Feb-2004 At 3:23:18 PM Onsight
Oil and wax – hmmm, now why didn’t I think of that! Actually, I think Glenn Robbins might have already used the oil trick once or twice in his career…

Thanks for sharing the workshops idea Adam. It’s great to see there is at least a bit of interested in this. I’ve personally got a lot out of climbing photography so I’d certainly be willing to share some of the things I’ve learned at some stage – assuming there is enough interest. There won’t be a chance for me to do anything till late in the year, and I won’t know about that for awhile yet (I’m going to be overseas a lot this year). But perhaps if enough people express their interest, either by posting to this thread or emailing me directly, then I’ll try to make it happen sometime.

I think all of the (serious) comments above are correct to some extent. Tasch is right in that it’s important to understand photography basics – which you can learn from books and study. Experimenting, recording, and then later trying to figure out what went wrong – or right – is also important. Also, look at published photos you like and try and figure out how it was done (lenses, lighting, angles, etc.). They are all good ideas. I was doing all those things long before I turned pro 10 years ago, but since then I’ve still learned a lot. Photo workshops are huge in the US – even pros attend them – perhaps because each genre of photography has its own quirks and problems which a specialist will have spent a lot more time grappling with. So I think it’s a great idea. I’m sure there is a lot that I can pass on to those who might be interested, and I’m sure it could be fun.

Since I live in the Blue Mtns then doing something around here wouldn’t be so problematic. I don’t yet know when I’ll next be at Araps/Gramps, but if I know there’ll be time on my next trip there then it is possible. This could be as formal or as informal as people wanted, and depending what’s involved I’d be willing coast to a minimum.

Like I said, if you are interested then do let me know, and do keep your ideas flowing as to what you all see the “weekend, evening, day, 'demo', 'lecture' 'forum' thingy” should actually entail (and I’ll think about it too).

Thanks again Adam, and thanks too to Andy for pointing out that link to my photo “Questions and Answers”. I hope that helps a bit.

Simon Carter

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