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Chockstone Forum - General Discussion

General Climbing Discussion

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Cosmic County Access??? 9-Feb-2004 At 3:59:17 PM Onsight
I think that’s cleared up but just to confirm: there are now gates and fences up past the Dam Cliffs, so you won’t get in that way (along the railway line).

Come in from Clarence: drive up Petra Ave, left at Donald and park at when it goes to dirt (this is at the 3.6km mark on page 253 of the guide). Walk down through the gate and past the new “retreat” on your left - and PLEASE be super courteous with anyone you see. The owners don’t really mind, and they are being really good about allowing this access, but if we lose this then we are stuffed.

This adds about 10 mins to the Cosmic walk and 20 or so to the Freezer.


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