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Chockstone Forum - General Discussion

General Climbing Discussion

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Re-Bolting forum changes 5-Feb-2004 At 12:24:10 AM Onsight
I don't see anything wrong with Neil's idea at this stage. Go for it I say. Anything that helps him and/or others fix up some of the problems out there.

Just to clarify an earlier an earlier statement - I don't have any problem at all with all the trad climbing in the Grampians. I think it's fantastic. Really. Both sport and trad have their place there in my opinion. The only problem I have is when sport routes are developed in a way that tends to leave them excessively dangerous as a result of the FAionist (can I coin that?) using dodgy tactics or just being too lazy, etc. There are some death-traps out there... Also, it's sport climbing, doesn't mean we can't fix things up a bit afterwards if the FA doesn't get the clips quite right the first the first time… These can be real improvements nowadays (both safer and less visually intrusive).

Sorry, don't want to start a new debate on this here (sure you’ve had that all elsewhere before). This is just my opinion…

These web forums are weird. They are fantastic for debate but I’m not really sure why I’d want to get into a debate with someone if they’re not prepared to identify themselves.

Yeah, go for it I say – “members only” sounds good.

Simon Carter

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