Unbelieveable! I last walked round the Grand High Tops in 1996 on the way to Frog and have wonderful photos and memories of this charming walk, looking out over Tonduron, Crater Mountain, Bluff Mtn, etc. I still want to go back and do Flight of the Phoenix on Bluff Mtn in the not too distant future. This seems totally over the top Neil, and, as you say, a bit of a worry to have so much timber incorporated in the structure given the bushfire risk. Didn't log bridges recently burn down in Victoria around Walhalla during the fires? I understand the need to protect sensitive sites from future erosion, but surely the measures taken must be commensurate with the traffic anticipated? For example, the structures protecting the easily eroded sandstone cliffs around Point Campbell seem totally appropriate given the high tourist numbers visiting these sights on a daily basis. Interesting you saw such little traffic in your recent visit.... I have always held this opinion: namely that the endless cyclic angst climbers expend over bolts is nothing compared to such government endorsed destruction (though perhaos this velopngs in another thread?..). As KieranL once said in his Vic Range guidebook, "destruction in the guise of recreation is obscene..." andyR |