On 1/01/2007 uwhp510/piggy wrote:
>I bet you dazzle all tha wimmenz with that sexy, anal retentive, attention
>to grammatical detail. I wish I was you.
That's a bit harsh eh? But I think I can see where you're coming from, sort of.
I'm sorry the argument ended with you being singled out, it wasn't personal. Now you're upset, judging by the (mild) personal insults. May I suggest the following. Post what you want, mate, because this forum is largely a free for all. However, if this issue we've been debating matters to you, to the point that you are upset and abusive (as is the case), structure your arguments properly and put some effort into reasoning them in the first place. Otherwise, deal with the consequences, which in this case was only someone taking you up on a point you had made, and providing reasons why.
In another thread, uwhp510/piggy wrote:
>pack some cotton wool around your glass ego if you can't hack a bit of critisism via the internet
Could be a good time to take a dose of your own advice, perhaps accompanied by a modest helping of humble pie