I think things are getting a little from the point here, the point, and also Kieren's was, that when there is fixed gear, and there is nothing else available around, it should be good, but, BUT, if for whatever reason the F/A or whoever, thinks that that particular gear should remain, that it should be written up.
Personally I think It's stupid, and that all fixed gear should be good, after all, thats why it is there, because no good trad placments are available.
On 16/01/2006 Crossdresser wrote:
The next day I went out and
>launched up The British Beat. Nothing in the guide mentioning that this
>could be remotely high-pulse whatsoever (and there still isn’t)
Well, It does have 2 bolts in it! And no, you probably wouldn't deck if your belayer was paying attention!
>Similarly – how many grade 20/21 leaders have unknowingly launched up
>the first pitch of Mental Debris onsight, Strangers Eliminate, or Rats
>Alley? Not exactly clip ups now - are they?…
Cant speak for Mental Debris, but strangers, you can see from the ground that there is not much gear in it, and after doing it, yes, there is as little and useless gear in it as you can see from the ground.
Rats alley, well there is a warning in the guide, and infact, I think there is ample gear in it, if you know what your doing, and yes you should, if your leading that grade. |