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Chockstone Forum - General Discussion

General Climbing Discussion

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Bouldering Gym in Collingwood 25-Oct-2005 At 8:20:16 PM Onsight
Good luck w the new venture Christian, it sounds really cool, I’d probably use it if I lived in Melbourne. Good on ya for having the gumption to give it a crack and for not being put off by the wowsers.

On 19/09/2005 simey wrote:
>And that list of climbers you mentioned (Monique Forestier, Sam Berry,
>James Kassay) are classic examples of climbers who are strong but also
>very specialised in their approach to climbing. I bet there are a lot of
>weaker climbers more comfortable on a wider variety of terrain simply because
>they tackle a wider variety of routes in a wider variety of conditions
>(including loose pox).

Oh dear Simey, that’s a sad statement. At least as far as Monique is concerned it just indicates to me that you don’t know what you are talking about.

As Monique’s partner I’ve climbed with her in a huge range of situations over the years in which she has excelled, however that doesn’t mean there aren’t types of climbing which she prefers and which she most interested in channelling her efforts and limited time into at the moment. But don’t let any of that stand in the way of a good ‘ol armchair hack. Incidentally Monique spends most of her climbing time on rock and (I’m certain) that is by far where she’d prefer to spend it. The time she has spent training in gyms has certainly helped enable her to maximise her time on rock. Yet you seem to be ignoring the reality of people’s personal situations, and preferences, and that there is more than one approach. It all seems rather lame.

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