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Chockstone Forum - General Discussion

General Climbing Discussion

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Australian Climbing Calendar 2006 19-Oct-2005 At 1:25:58 AM Onsight
This is a very big shout out of thanks to Chockstone’s very own Josh Caple and Neil Monteith as well as all the other photographers – and climbers – who contributed and made it possible for us to start up the Australian Climbing Calendar again for 2006.

Just to quickly let people know what’s going on… this year we decided to publish two calendars for 2006. We still produced the World Climbing Calendar as normal for overseas markets but also started up a specific Australian calendar again with photographs contributed by eight different photographers — Josh and Neil amongst them. The support of these photographers has enabled us to present a diversity of climbing and Australian locations. So thanks heaps fellas!

I’d also like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to everyone who has supported the calendar in it’s various permiatations in the past. If you buy it, you’re supporting it. This support has enabled us to consider restarting the Oz calendar – something I’d always wanted to do. So thanks indeed everyone for that.

The calendars should have made it safely into most of the usual outlets by now thanks to Josh’s packaging expertise. More info here:
Can also be ordered from here:
And I’ll add World calendar info there too in a few days.

Cheers everyone.

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