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Australian Landscape Photography by Michael Boniwell
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Chockstone Forum - General Discussion

General Climbing Discussion

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Climbing Calender 2005 10-Jun-2005 At 10:23:32 AM Onsight
Cheers everyone.

>your alarm clock might go off as early as 3am
Although pre-dawn starts are rare I’ll keep you especially in mind Jac for next time I think up a shot that really requires one. Thanks for volunteering!

On 8/06/2005 beefy wrote:
>... its just a shame when
>they cant offer constructive criticism or feel the need to make derogatory
My main problem with it was that the comments really had nothing much to do with my photography but quite a lot to do with my non-acceptance of a certain chipping incident. If you knew the real names behind the aliases you’d know what I mean.

Anyway, how are you Rob – been getting up to Moonarie much? I trust there are some good new routes up there for myself or Josh to come and shoot sometime?

Cheers Josh – dude you’re the dude! Don’t sell yourself short, I think you’re doing great work and I’m expecting – predicting – big things from you in the future.

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