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Chockstone Forum - General Discussion

General Climbing Discussion

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Strong Chik 16-May-2005 At 10:35:54 AM Onsight
> It's called "New Start".
Eduardo, ha ha, very funny… (quaint). If only it were that simple.

Tel – I think you missed the point there entirely…
Anyway, yes, Josune is significantly ahead of the other women and I think most of the reasons for that have been raised — talent, motivation, focus, scene, training, access to training and the right routes (location), and resources and financial support (she been full-time professional for at least two years). I could think of a few other reasons as well. And as stuck in the US pointed out, I’m sure this sort of standout performance is more noticeable due to the relatively smaller numbers of female climbers about (and the reasons for that are an essay unto itself). But I’m not sure you aren’t making assumptions that nothing similar has happened in men’s climbing (1x9b+ and 1x9b, no?).

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