chalk sucks, think about it guys, all you have to do is look at the gallery or something like that to see how much of a mess it makes, its pathetic that people want to make the beautiful red and orange rock dotted with white, maybe chalk helps sweat, but look at the mess it makes, its sickening. just think what would happen if aboriginals kicked up a fuss about it? or parks victoria? we need to look after what we have, not grafitti it with foreign substances, you wouldnt spray paint your house or public buildings like people use chalk. at least try and get that chalk thats brown, or something like that that doesnt discolour the rock!! com on people, its childish!! i have climbe since i was 5, i'm now 17, havent used chalk, i havent died without it, i dont need it, whats the big fuss, i think chalk users should look at what a mess they are making, dont get hung up about my anger, thats jus my point of view. besides, how much energy do you waste hanging around dipping chalk, whilst in the middle of the crux of a climb?
i'll use chalk in gyms, thatss because its not discolouring natural rock, and its so damdn hot in the tops of the gyms, and the holds get so sweaty, why not just wipe your sweaty hands on your pants, thats all i do!
Real climbers dont use chalk, chalk is for little girls who play hopscotch!!!!!! |