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Australian Landscape Photography by Michael Boniwell
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Chockstone Forum - General Discussion

General Climbing Discussion

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Bourge's world 15-Mar-2005 At 9:50:40 PM Onsight
On 11/03/2005 Bourge wrote:
>I guess the best alternative is just to post the link to the photo URL
>in question. Is this sort of thing kosher?

Yes, that's perfectly fine by me! Although http.. etc.. doesn’t look very sexy does it? Actually posting the page URL might be even better.
>great photo Simon, I like how it captures the water...
You do!? Excellent, most happy to hear that somebody appreciates that. It did take a lot of concentration to get that bit right…
>Or should the link be to the webSITE not the image URL?
If you can link to the actual page then probably yes.

I’ll post some more to the copyright thread when I get time, but it’s usually really easy to get permission to use pics for something like a forum, and assuming it’s OK to use the shot, then I use the trick of linking to the actual photo on the other server. For example
< IMG SRC=”>

Now everyone can appreciate the water.

Just a general comment. As I’ve said on a few occasions, I’m quite happy for my pics on my web site to be used on this forum, so permission isn’t needed from me beforehand – assuming no-one abuses this.

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