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Chockstone Forum - General Discussion

General Climbing Discussion

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Havachatwithhexy... 9-Mar-2005 At 12:10:41 AM Onsight
On 5/03/2005 HEX wrote:
>Look-out simeyonsight --- damouseismakingprogress ...
Cheers Hex. I’m not looking out but looking forward to seeing a lot more of da mousey’s pics around. I wish him well and will be the first to congratulate him if he can make a ”go” of it.

>Rhinckle --- press the ' news ' tab ...
first update in six months - “news”? From the “news”…
>“This is the first one day, free ascent of Ozymandias Direct.”
1+1+1=1 eh? The significant point about this great send, missed here and by others, is that it’s the first continuous free ascent of the entire route (and, BTW, the final ascent was done in a day). Least it wasn’t misreported as “ground up” like elsewhere (eh Eddy?).
>Ozymandias Direct was first freed by Steve Monks in 1989 over a number of days.

As a general comment directed at no-one in particular…
I’d say it appears that nobody much seems to care but just so long as everyone’s aware that the level of journalism in Oz climbing in generally rubbish then everybody’s happy eh? Unfortunately when experienced/knowledgeable climbers can’t report things accurately, or others don’t care about (or understand?) the meaning of basic terminology, and magazines get their news from unchecked news items on the net, then, well, you know we’re pretty much doomed as far as all that’s concerned.

Does it matter? Probably not, just so long as everyone’s aware of the quality of what they’re being fed… Oh, and I don’t like seeing significant achievements reported (misreported) as something that they are not. Significant achievements are usually hard, reporting them accurately surely isn't.

On 4/03/2005 HEX wrote:
> you know ' the press'
>--- the great enemy of the world--- the people who are so full of their
>own ego-trips, that they don't bother to think about the issues carefully
>anymore ...
If only it were that simple…

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