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Chockstone Forum - General Discussion

General Climbing Discussion

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Havachatwithhexy... 1-Mar-2005 At 10:31:48 PM Onsight
On 1/03/2005 Tel wrote:
>With that whole response in mind (simon 27th feb). I wonder if like most
>other aspects of our lives, the vibe ethos atmosphere of climbing is just
>going through part of its cycle. Like music film fashion etc these are
>known to be cyclic. In sports too this seems to feature, skateboarding
>was out for many years and it has had a resurgance. Maybe this to will
>happen with climbing, that is once people have ground their way through
>the immediacy of this techno cyberage. Lifestyle choices are by all appearances
>more prevelant now than they used to be, so if this were to be seen as
>a cotinuation I see no reason why more people climbing is not in the foreseeable
>future. Just my thoughts..
Excellent thoughts too. You may very well be right there. I certainly don't know and bear in mind I was just saying it's just my impression numbers are down - not based in fact - maybe the gyms were pumping tonight.
But assuming what you say is correct then what sort of "sport" do you want it to be when it gets more popular? What opportunities, if any, would you like to see that maybe don't currently exist? And how would you like to see the sport represented in the media - and what sort of media would you want representing the sport?
Sorry, asking questions is so much easier...

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