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Australian Landscape Photography by Michael Boniwell
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Chockstone Forum - General Discussion

General Climbing Discussion

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Copyright 10-Feb-2005 At 10:16:54 PM Onsight
You're welcome Josh. If you believe in your work, and learn to understand it's true commercial value, then one day your work might really be with something (as might mine). I'd say, be very weary whenever anyone tries to tell you that you should allow use of an image cheap or for free because "it will be good exposure for you". I think that is generally rubbish.

Another piece of food for thought for you… did you know that the big mainstream commercial stock photo libraries often value images that are “particularly unique, or are particularly difficult or dangerous to get” as 25% more valuable than other images? Think about that next time you’re swinging around on the end of your rap rope that you know is rubbing against some sharp edge up there… and maybe you’ll question why you should get paid any less than the dude working in a studio.

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