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Chockstone Forum - General Discussion

General Climbing Discussion

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New pitons on Watch Tower 5-Feb-2005 At 12:05:24 AM cheesehead
Now to play devil's advocate....

>I would think there a re a fair number of novice climbers who do that
>route cause it's such a classic, I don't see what's so wrong with the *odd*
>extra bit of fixed pro....

It was a bit dastardly placing those pins, and yeah they should come out. Shaggy's right - if you can't stand the (air) time, don't do tthe climb. HOWEVER, perhaps something needs to be addressed if way too many people are questing up there and getting in over their heads. This is a little analogous to the 'Mt Aspiring fatalities' thread that's going on a the moment in 'accidents and injuries'.
Hopefully that 'something' isn't bolts or pegs in situ, nor a warning sign at the base of the route....

Maybe we could chip in and buy a case of beer for one of the permanent campers (who's there now?). In turn he/she is charged with searching cars and frisking new arrivals for pegs, hammers, drills and bolts. Only specially licenced cariers may have a bolt gun.
In fact, lets have a piton amnesty. Everyone in the Wimmera has got a month to drop their iron mongery off at Wendy's house, where she'll fold them in two (so they can't be used for the purposes of evil), and nothing more will be said. After that, being found in possesion of such high powered illegal weaponry will result in severe penalties.

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